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IMI Appeals Process

Appellants have 20 working days from the date you were notified of the decision you are appealing in which to lodge an appeal against that decision.

Please provide as much information as possible, including all evidence and supporting documentation, so that we can investigate your appeal promptly.

Submission form

This appeal will be chargeable at the prevailing charge as per the Fees and Charges found here.

If you are successful in your appeal, you will be refunded the full amount.

A member of the IMI Compliance team will contact you within 2 working days of receipt, to confirm the next steps and how to pay the fee.  

If payment has not been received within 20 working days, the appeal will be rejected.

Contact Details

Appeal Details

Are you the learner?

Appeals relating to end-point assessments are to be made by the learner only

EPA Assessment type
Please select the EPA assessment type(s) specific to your appeal.

Please provide details of the outcome and attach copies of all correspondence.

Grounds for appeal
The following are grounds for an appeal against assessment decisions which is pursued by the appeals process, please indicate what the basis for your appeal is:

Please provide a full account of the decision(s) you wish to appeal against and a clear explanation of your reasons for disagreeing with the decision(s). Please include specific EPA task reference information (can be found on EPA overall grading sheet) and attach copies of all correspondence.

Maximum 3 files.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.

Please ensure you are aware that there are two possible outcomes of an appeal:

  • Unsuccessful - the appeal is rejected with no change to results or decision

  • Upheld - change to results or decision, which could be either positive or negative


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IMI Campaigns and Policy

Appeals Policy

Find full details of the process to follow when submitting appeals to us, and information on the process we follow when responding.

Find out more