IMI Accreditations: Learning Programmes and Assessments
As the only professional body for the whole automotive sector, the IMI is authorised to assess and accredit individuals (for their competence to operate) and a range of professional activities and services.
In a similar way to the law, architecture and other professions, the process of assessment and IMI accreditation provides assurance to your customers and the wider marketplace that your product and or service meets the industry's high, expected standards.

Case Study: Autopro Academy
Autopro Academy was established in 2013 with clear objectives:
Waleed Allahham, , Autopro Academy

Case Study: The Retail Performance Company
Founded over 7 years ago in Munich as a joint venture between BMW Group and h&z management consultancy, The Retail Performance Company now operates in 10 countries. Partnering with major companies to help drive performance via end-to-end customer-centric transformations, rpc offers a comprehensive portfolio of solutions across its main service lines of Consulting, Coaching, Qualification, Talent, CX Design, and Data Analytics.
Jasmine Perera, Head of Sales and Operations, RPC UK