IMI membership: your professional home for life

What does IMI Membership do for you?
Membership supports you as an automotive professional by connecting you with a global community of like-minded individuals. We support your career development and aspirations through resources and represent your voice on issues that matter to you. We help you build trust and credibility with your colleagues and customers with professional recognition.

Case Study: Adam Eastty – Boston, Massachusetts
Throughout my career, I have held several positions, which have allowed me to gain a comprehensive understanding of the automotive repair sector and to contribute to its evolution. These roles include Auto-Damage Appraiser, where I conducted vehicle damage analysis & estimatics, Senior Field Security Investigator, where I specialized in detecting auto-damage related fraud.
Adam Eastty, Specialty Commercial Auto-Physical Damage Appraiser, Mobilitas Ins.
Professional Status
The professional status that comes with IMI membership reflects your credibility within the automotive industry and enhances your reputation as a trusted expert within the sector. IMI membership offers you the chance to highlight your accomplishments and reinforce your position as a respected member of the community.
Career Resources
Through our careers hub, we are dedicated to supporting your career growth and aspirations in the automotive industry. We aim to provide the resources and guidance necessary for you to elevate your professional status, solidify your expertise, and enhance your reputation. Our commitment is to empower you to reach new heights in your automotive career by offering the support and resources you need to succeed.
Community & Networks
Get involved in the IMI’s series of events, which feature the latest updates on the most important topics, helping to expand your knowledge. With a mix of digital and in-person events lined up ranging from legislation updates from the IRTE, new editions of our popular IMI Engineering Group webinars as well as others covering topics including wellbeing and EDI, there’ll be something for everyone.
Save Money
We recognise the significance of your voice in addressing crucial issues. Through IMI membership, you get the opportunity to express your opinions and provide valuable insights on a range of topics that impact the industry. Not only does this ensure your voice is heard throughout the sector, but it also helps us provide a better service to you.
Which membership grade is right for you?
IMI members are accorded professional recognition based on skills and experience.
To find out what your membership grade is likely to be, answer these four easy questions.
Discover your IMI membership grade
A good introduction to membership with no requirement to log on-going learning.
Who is it for?
Anyone who is new to the industry, working towards a qualification or interested in the sector.Criteria
Open to all.Membership Fees (per year)
Professional membership with a commitment to continued professional development. Inclusion on the Professional Register.Who is it for?
Experienced automotive professionals, such as technicians or mechanics.Criteria
A minimum of two years relevant experience in the industry and a nationally recognised level 2 or 3 qualification or equivalent.Membership Fees (per year)
Professional membership with a commitment to continued professional development. Inclusion on the Professional Register.Who is it for?
Highly experienced automotive professionals, such as skilled technicians and mechanics or those in middle management.Criteria
A minimum of four years relevant experience in the industry and a nationally recognised level 4 qualification or equivalent.Membership Fees (per year)
Professional membership with a commitment to continued professional development. Inclusion on the Professional Register.Who is it for?
Automotive professionals who operate at a senior technical or senior management level.Criteria
A minimum of five years relevant experience and a nationally recognised level 5 qualification or equivalent.Membership Fees (per year)
How can we help?
If you have any questions, give us a call or e-mail us using the contact form. Kim and her team are happy to help!
Call the membership team
+44 (0) 1992 519025
Apply online today
Becoming an IMI member couldn't be simpler. All you need to do is complete a short process to register.
Call the membership team
+44 (0) 1992 519025