IMI Championing Diversity Award Winner 2024: Jardine Motors Group

A big congratulations to the winner of the IMI Championing Diversity Award 2024: 


To support our DE&I strategy across the business, it is vital for us to understand the true make-up of our colleague community. Earlier in 2023, Jardine Motors Group revamped their #CountMeIn campaign to encourage colleagues to input their diversity data which includes providing information around gender, sexuality, religion, disability, and neurodiversity. they introduced the data completion process in January with just 12% of colleagues sharing their data. They have gone on to reach 80% completion across the business, with the senior leadership team and members of the board getting involved too. 

The feedback around this initiative from staff was extremely positive:

  • 87% agreed JMG created an environment where people of diverse backgrounds can succeed
  • 88% believe their colleagues are treated fairly 
  • 85% say they can be their authentic selves at work

JMG's ED&I Steering Group meets every six weeks. They have separated into different work streams to focus on gender, race and ethnicity, disability, religion, LGBTQIA+, neurodiversity, working parents and social mobility. Each work stream is responsible for development and implementations of initiatives with the support of the Group Communications team to cascade content and encourage engagement and participation across the entire business. 

Jardine Motors Group joined in the Birmingham Pride parade with colleagues.

Creating an inclusive workplace

JMG has actively reviewed their hiring practises to ensure hiring is done purely on competency and all biases are removed as much as possible. For example, they utilise an online video interviewing platform called Harver to remove bias from our recruitment processes. This gives candidates the opportunity to focus on 3-4 preset questions and allows them to present themselves authentically with focus on skill and knowledge. This focuses purely on the competencies of that candidate rather than their background (CV). From August 2022 – 2023, they have made 172 hires utilising this platform. Candidates have shared feedback to advise this process made them feel calm, relaxed, and comfortable and we have scored an average of 4.78/5 for candidate experience.

Creating opportunities for those inside or outside of the organisation

Over 300 JMG employees are receiving formal mentoring. Key members of the group also work with local schools to inspire young people from all backgrounds to consider a career in the automotive sector. They also work closely with Automotive 30%  and actively participated in the 'Inspiration for Innovation' Apprentice influencer initiative, focusing on encouraging more female students to explore automotive apprenticeships. Their successes are evident across our programmes with 32% of candidates participating in our Leadership Programmes being female.