Our complaints process is in place to offer support and guidance to our members, approved centres, candidates and all interested parties who encounter a direct or indirect service from us or an IMI affiliated individual or provision.
If you feel that you've had a negative experience working with us, please let us know so, that we can address any issues and identify how we can improve our service offering for the future. Should we be unable to resolve your complaint or you suspect an alleged breach of IMI standards or regulatory requirements a formal complaint can be logged.
Although it is not possible to provide a definitive list of complaint scenarios, the IMI Complaints Policy outlines the areas that we are unable to take forward in line with the scope of this policy.
Making a complaint against an IMI member or IMI professionally registered individual
All IMI members and professionally registered individuals are required to abide by the IMI Professional Standards.
If you feel that someone has fallen below the expected standard, you can submit your complaint for review, with supporting evidence, using the online complaints form.
Making a complaint about an IMI approved centre
IMI approved centres must have their own complaints and appeals policy which should identify how complaints relating to the delivery, including assessment of IMI qualifications or IMI Accredited Learning Programmes can be made. Complainants must first of all go through their centres own process before bringing the matter to the attention of IMI.
If you have followed the Centre complaints process and you remain unhappy with the outcome, you can submit a formal complaint to us for review, with supporting evidence, using the online complaints form.
Making a complaint about a service provided by the IMI
If you have a complaint about our service, please notify the member of staff that you have been dealing with and they will support you through the process by phone, on email or in person. Should you be uncomfortable with this process or your complaint is about a member of staff and you are not happy with the outcome, you can submit a formal complaint to us for review. Supporting evidence must be provided.
Complaints relating to conduct or services relating to End-Point assessment delivery should be submitted to us for review using the online complaints form.
Making a complaint
If you wish to make a complaint, you will be required to complete the appropriate form below and supply supporting evidence in order for your complaint to be taken forward.
IMI Professionally Registered Individual | IMI Approved Centre | IMI Service |