Fuelling your career ambition when you’re self-employed

Self employed stock

Being self-employed comes a set of unique challenges. Whether it's sourcing parts, connecting with the right clientele, or keeping up with the ever-evolving technology in the industry, the journey of an entrepreneur in this sector is seldom an easy ride.

Recognising the immense potential and contribution of these professionals, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has charted a roadmap to offer guidance and support. Here’s a closer look at the initiatives that anyone considering becoming self-employed in the automotive sector should be aware of.

Guidance for the gainfully self-employed

If you've steered your career towards a self-employed trajectory in the automotive world, and your business stands as your primary source of earnings – marked by regular transactions, organised operations, and a clear aim for profit – the DWP offers a significant backing.

The department provides an 'enhanced self-employment work coach' dedicatedly for the first 12 months of one’s self-employed journey. Think of this as having a skilled co-pilot for your entrepreneurial drive. This coach isn't just an advisor but an expert who understands the dynamics of building a business from scratch. From helping you navigate the nuances of client relations to guiding you on inventory management, they are equipped to help you steer clear of common roadblocks.

But the assistance doesn't end there. These work coaches are also empowered to direct you towards free external resources. A notable mention is the Local Enterprise Partnership Growth Hubs, which are financially backed by the Department of Business and Trade. These hubs can be a reservoir of information, training, and networking opportunities tailored for the automotive sector.

Support beyond the 'gainfully' label

The automotive industry, by its very nature, can be cyclical and sometimes unpredictable. This means that not every self-employed individual might fit into the 'gainfully self-employed' category from the get-go. But does that mean they are left in the lurch? Absolutely not.

For those who derive earnings from their self-employment but do not fit the aforementioned category, the DWP has curated specialised support. This comes in the form of the department's contracted employment programmes if the relevant criteria are met. While eligibility criteria are in place, those who qualify stand to benefit immensely. This support is tailored to help individuals boost their operations, reach a wider clientele, and ultimately elevate their business status to 'gainfully self-employed.'

Investment in professional development

The automotive world is not static. With new technologies, methods, and practices emerging, professionals need to be on top of their game. Recognising this, the DWP’s Flexible Support Fund has earmarked resources to help subsidise eligible training costs not otherwise covered with other benefits and could help you with your professional development, and in some circumstances can be used for those starting their self-employed journey. If you think you are eligible for FSF, you can apply through your local Jobcentre. You will be required to show proof that you cannot pay for the things you intend to use the funding for yourself before any claim is approved. You will also have to list exactly what you will be using the money for.

The journey of a self-employed automotive professional, while filled with potential and promise, is not without its hurdles. However, with structured support from bodies like the DWP, the path becomes more navigable. These initiatives ensure that the entrepreneurial spirit isn't bogged down by challenges but is fuelled by the right support, guidance, and resources. If you are a budding entrepreneur in the automotive sector, the DWP's schemes might just be the turbocharge you need.

For further details or to explore how these initiatives can benefit you, reaching out to DWP representatives or visiting their official portals can be the first step in this rewarding journey. Remember, in the world of automotive, it's not just about the destination but the journey – and it's always better when you have the right support riding shotgun.

This article was created following a written response from Guy Opperman recording in Hansard on 7th September 2023, the Conservative MP for Hexham, and has been an MP continuously since 6 May 2010. He currently holds the Government post of Minister of State (Department for Work and Pensions).

Hayley Pells is Policy and Public Affairs Lead at the Institute of the Motor Industry