How to get ready for a new era in automotive technology


The Automated Vehicles Act has finally been implemented, squeaking through before parliament was dissolved ready for the general election, avoiding unnecessary delays in this important piece of legislation. It’s a big milestone, and will be responsible for ushering in a new era of road safety and technological advancement for UK roads.  

The legislation establishes national safety principles that ensures automated vehicles operate as safely as, or even safer than, human drivers. It’s a crucial step towards integrating autonomous vehicles into our daily lives and improving overall road safety, and also for our economy as it has the potential to make the UK a world leader in this automotive technology, attracting much needed investment and creating skilled jobs within the sector.

What it means for automotive

One of the key aspects of the Act is its emphasis on safety. Automated vehicles must meet stringent safety standards, equivalent to a careful and competent human driver. This involves creating a robust set of national safety principles that will guide the approval and monitoring of these vehicles.

Data transparency is another significant component. Organisations operating automated vehicles are required to share safety data with regulatory bodies continuously. This ensures that performance can be monitored, and compliance with safety regulations is maintained. Non-compliance will attract serious penalties, underscoring the importance of adherence to these new standards.

The Act also addresses liability in the event of an accident, shifting responsibility to the authorised self-driving entity or the no-user-in-charge operator. This shift aims to clarify who is accountable when a vehicle is driving itself, providing a clear framework for legal responsibilities.

The IMI, a new landscape, and you

The IMI’s mission is to support the industry and ensure a smooth transition into this new era. Here's how we plan to do it:

Training and certification: We understand that working with automated vehicles requires new skills and knowledge. That’s why we’re developing the expanding of scope the for established and government recognised Tech Safe register for skilled professionals working with this technology. These will ensure that technicians, engineers, and other industry professionals are equipped to handle the complexities of autonomous vehicle technology.

Shaping standards: Our expertise is crucial in developing practical and effective safety and operational standards. We’ll work closely with regulatory bodies and industry stakeholders to help shape the guidelines that align with the Act’s requirements.

Advocacy and consultation: We’ll actively participate in government consultations, representing the interests of motor industry professionals. By providing input on proposed regulations and standards, we can help shape policies that are both practical for the industry and beneficial for public safety.

Research and innovation: IMI will engage in research projects focused on automated vehicle technology. Our research will explore vehicle safety, maintenance requirements, and the broader impact of autonomous vehicles on the automotive workforce. This will help us develop best practices and support innovation within the industry.

Educating the public: Building public trust in automated vehicles is vital. We’ll work with and support educational initiatives to inform the public about the benefits of autonomous vehicles and the safety measures in place. By increasing awareness, we aim to foster acceptance and confidence in this new technology, and this is likely to need support from the professionals working with the technology.

Collaboration: We’re partnering with educators to integrate automated vehicle technology into automotive education. This will prepare the next generation of automotive professionals for a future that includes autonomous vehicles.

Ensuring compliance: We will advocate for our membership, communicating their needs when quality assurance programs are formed. This will help maintain high standards across the industry. 

Supporting the transition: Finally, we’ll provide resources and guidance for businesses and professionals transitioning to working with automated vehicles. This includes developing the education a skilled workforce will need, and through TechSafe how to communicate these competencies, adapting to the new regulatory environment.

Now what

The implementation of the Automated Vehicles Act is a significant step towards a safer, more advanced future for UK roads. Most traffic accidents are caused by human error and this technology could significantly reduce the number of injuries and deaths currently suffered. The IMI is committed to supporting this transition and ensuring that both the industry and the public benefit from these advancements and will seek to facilitate the safe and effective deployment of automated vehicles.