How the IMI is driving the Intermediary Ambassador Network forward

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In a move to elevate technical education advocacy and contribute to national skills plans, the IMI has achieved a significant milestone – I’ve been elected as the Chair of the Intermediary Ambassador Network (IAN) for the Department for Education.

The appointment opens up valuable opportunities for shaping new programs, participating in conferences, and promoting technical education through employer networks and events.

What’s the IAN

The Intermediary Ambassador Network serves as a national community of enthusiastic ambassadors who voluntarily champion apprenticeships, T Levels, and traineeships. These individuals, hailing from various backgrounds, play a pivotal role in disseminating the latest news and information about skills programs to their members, partners, and stakeholders.

Intermediary Ambassadors’ role

Basically they take on essential responsibilities to bolster the reputation of apprenticeships, T Levels, and traineeships as the preferred routes for skills development.

They contribute in various ways, including:

  1. Promoting Technical Education: Ambassadors actively promote technical education within employer networks, member organisations, and other intermediaries. Through their outreach efforts, they highlight the benefits and potential of skills programs.
  1. Sharing First-hand Experiences: Drawing from their own experiences, Intermediary Ambassadors share firsthand accounts of skills programs with employers and other intermediaries. These testimonials provide valuable insights into the impact of technical education.
  1. Showcasing Successful Examples: Ambassadors showcase real-life examples of employers who have reaped the benefits of technical education within their businesses. These success stories act as inspiring beacons for others to follow suit.
  1. Celebrating Events and Initiatives: Intermediary Ambassadors play a significant role in celebrating events and initiatives such as National Apprenticeship Week/Awards and WorldSkills Live UK. Their participation adds momentum to these crucial campaigns.

IAN Commitment and Benefits

Becoming part of the Intermediary Ambassador Network is both a commitment and an opportunity to contribute to the reputation of skills programs. Ambassadors enjoy a range of benefits, including:

  • Active membership: Ambassadors become active members of the Intermediaries Group, forging connections, and collaborating with others passionate about technical education.
  • Access to information: By working with ESFA colleagues, ambassadors receive vital news and information about apprenticeships, traineeships, and T Levels, enabling them to stay updated and informed.
  • Shaping policies and plans: Intermediary Ambassadors have a voice in influencing Department for Education skills plans and policies, driving positive changes in the field of technical education.
  • Networking opportunities: Being part of a national network of trusted and influential ambassadors expands networking and peer-to-peer support opportunities.
  • Annual conference: Ambassadors take part in an annual intermediary conference, offering a platform to share good practices, present, network, and hear from topical speakers, including Ministers.
  • Influence communications: Through social media channels, ambassadors can impact and enhance communications, supporting key messages and campaigns such as National Apprenticeship Week.
  • Pride in role: The Intermediary Ambassador logo and badge provide a tangible symbol of their significant role as ambassadors, fostering pride in their advocacy efforts.

As the new Chair of the Intermediary Ambassador Network, along with other passionate ambassadors, I’m poised to make a difference in promoting technical education and contributing to the nation's skills agenda. With a united effort from these committed advocates, the future of apprenticeships, T Levels, and traineeships looks brighter than ever.

Hayley Pells is Policy and Public Affairs Lead at the Institute of the Motor Industry