There’s more to motor

More to Motor

The IMI has launched a game-changing campaign to debunk outdated perceptions at the heart of automotive’s recruitment challenges, showing the true side to the industry and the incredible opportunities it offers

Automotive is an extraordinary place to build a career, with constant technological advancement and a range of roles that offers something for everyone. But for all its development and scope, the sector still suffers from poor perceptions of what it’s actually like to work in. Too many people still think the industry is cold and dirty with

limited career progression – a myth that’s adding to the problem of not enough new talent coming into the sector.

IMI data suggests that 111,400 roles will need to be filled in the next 10 years. These are exciting positions that people should be queuing up to fill. Across the sector there are currently 213 different occupations, with technological advances such as ADAS, connected motoring and online sales creating opportunities that go far beyond traditional perceptions of working in automotive.

The IMI’s Diversity Task Force has already enabled a lot of change, and many businesses are leading the charge to create more equitable, diverse and inclusive workplaces. They understand the intrinsic value of attracting, nurturing and retaining diverse talent, so it’s now time to showcase the changing face of automotive, a vibrant, tech-led, customer and people-centric ecosystem.

The challenge is continuing to showcase what the sector has to offer, so that people understand the opportunities that are available and how it’s evolving as we head towards an electrified, connected and autonomous future.

We’re all part of the transformation and solving the challenge of encouraging more talent into the industry. The IMI’s new campaign builds on the work of the Diversity Task Force, highlighting that career opportunities exist for individuals of all backgrounds, whether at the start of their working life or looking for a change in direction.

IMI President Professor Jim Saker is passionate about positive change. He championed the IMI Diversity Task Force and is keen to help adjust people’s perceptions of the industry.

“There are a range of things that can be done to present the industry in a different light,” he says. “We’re trying to present the sector as one that’s transforming itself, changing in the same way that technology is changing. We’re altering the human side of the industry so the attitudes and approaches are going to be very different

going forward.”

To do that we need to know the stories and narratives about our sector that are being told and find the role models to understand what can be achieved. “It’s the symbols of success who are in the industry,” says Saker. “People who show pathways that can guide other people to be successful in the sector.”

Be part of the Real Voices campaign and share your voice to provide an honest picture of the industry at:

This is an edited version of the feature from IMI's new MotorPro magazine, received free as part of IMI membership.