Why we can't ignore the need for more EV qualified technicians

EV qualified technician

The latest IMI research shows that more people need to start getting EV-qualified so  the industry is ready for the increasing number of electrified vehicles and in preparation for the government’s ban on new petrol and diesel light vehicles sales next decade.

The EV TechSafe Technician Forecasts briefing highlights that the take-up of EV qualifications in 2023 quarter one is 10% lower than the previous year, indicating a potential slowdown in the adoption of these qualifications. Additionally, using data from the IMI, projections for the second quarter of 2023 suggest an even more substantial decline of 31% in certifications.

It isn’t surprising considering the pressures businesses are facing – economic headwinds and a significant vacancy issues – but it is concerning.

By 2030, the UK will require 107,000 TechSafe qualified technicians to meet the evolving demands of electric vehicles. This figure rises to 139,000 by 2032. But projections indicate a potential shortfall of qualified technicians by 2029, which could reach a staggering 25,000 by 2032 if the current trends persist. And that will severely impact the sectors ability to service and maintain the vehicle parc.

The number of electrified vehicles on our roads is growing, in fact the latest figures show it’s one of the strongest performing vehicle types in terms of sales, but total numbers of EVs are still small compared to combustion vehicles, which perhaps is another reason why not as many technicians are getting qualified. Until they start rolling into workshops, and with economic and vacancy pressures mounting, training could easily be pushed down the road. But that could be counterproductive longer term.

The industry needs to boost skills now so it’s ready, rather than attempting to play catch-up, otherwise businesses risk not being ready and unable to deliver the services consumers need as automotive shifts to an electrified future.

Check out the range of EV-specific courses the IMI offers – with many eLearning options free to members – and start your upskilling journey