Accreditation extension – FAQs

End of Extension Periods
The government's current COVID policies and subsequent operating capacity within the IMI Approved Centre Network means we will not be applying a further extension at this time.
My expiry date is on or before Sept 30th 2021, what does this mean?
If your IMI Accreditation has an expiry date on or prior to September 30th 2021, you fall into the current 6-month extension window and will be given a 6-month extension from your expiry date. If your IMI Accreditation is due to expire on or after Oct 1st 2021 it does not qualify for an extension and will expire.
My expiry date is on or after Oct 1st 2021, what does this mean?
If your IMI Accreditation has an expiry date on or after October 1st 2021, please contact your chosen IMI Approved Centre for assessment availability information to book your re-accreditation.
New Extension
As a result of IMI Accredited Member feedback and subsequent consultation with the IMI centre network approved for the delivery of Accreditation, IMI will extend Accreditation for another six months beyond the existing published extension date if needed.
In addition to those already granted an extension to their expiry date which will be ongoing, all IMI Accreditation candidates with an expiry date between 1st April 2021 and 30th September 2021 who are unable to re-accredit due to the impact of COVID-19, can take advantage of a 6 month extension to their expiry date.
Should I continue to complete my Accreditation if possible?
Yes, this is crucially important. Where assessment is accessible, we would strongly encourage the completion of Accreditation at the earliest opportunity. This is important for the following reasons;
- It ensures compliance where needed e.g. BS10125
- From an employer’s perspective, it will help spread the scheduling of staff assessments.
- From a Training Providers perspective, it will help spread scheduling of candidate assessments & manage customer expectations.
My Accreditation expires inside the new extension date window, what will my new expiry date be?
Your new expiry date will be 6 months from your current expiry date.
My Accreditation is due to expire just before the end of this extension window on 29th March 2021. Do I get a 2 day extension to the 31st March 2021 or a 6 month extension to 29th September 2021?
In this example, the expiry date falls between 1st July 2020 & 31st March 2021 & so, if you are unable to access provision, is subject to a 6 month extension window. As such, the new expiry date will be 29th September 2021.
I’ve already had my Accreditation extended in previous extension periods. My revised expiry date falls inside the latest extension window from April 1st, what is my expiry date?
Your new expiry date will be 6 months from your previously extended expiry date.
Once I am able to take my assessment following the extension period, will it then be valid for 3 years from the original expiry date or 3 years from the date I passed the assessment?
The Accreditation will be valid for a period of 3 years from the extended expiry date.
Does this extension also apply to irtec expiry dates?
All irtec licences set to expire between 1st December 2020 and 31st March 2021 have been extended for four months. Check yours here.
Does this extension also apply to Accredited Assessors and AOMs?
Yes, the 6 month extension window applies to all Accreditation routes, including AOMs such as AOM009.
As a Training Provider we have resumed assessments, albeit with reduced capacity, in order to accommodate social distancing guidelines. We have candidates whose VCQ/SVQ certificate issue dates exceeded 3 years during the lockdown period. Ordinarily, we would have registered them on re-accreditation routes before the 3 years lapsed but this was not possible due to lockdown. Now, when attempting to register these candidates, the IMI system is telling us they must be assessed via the full Accreditation route.
VCQ/SVQ achievers who have been unable to access re-accreditation due to the impact of COVID-19 and their 3 years from certification falls between 1st April 2021 and 30th September 2021, can take advantage of a further 6 month extension window. Meaning the re-accreditation assessment must now be taken within 42 months of their VCQ/SVQ certificate issue date.
I started my full Accreditation between lock downs. However, further lockdown has prevented me from going back to the Training Provider to complete it and 12 months have now passed since I started the process. Do I need to start the assessment process again or can I have an extension?
In this example, as COVID-19 has prevented access to the provision and completion of the Accreditation process, you can take advantage of a 6 month extension window. Please liaise with your training provider.
Following the extension, will I receive a new certificate and card?
No physical certificates and cards will be provided, please refer to question and answer below about eCertfication.
How will I know that the 6 month extension has been applied to my expiry date? Will I receive confirmation?
When an extension is applied, it will generate a new digital certificate, which can be accessed via eModule, the secure online portal providing access to digital copies of IMI candidate certificates. The updated certificate will be available to view from mid-April.
- You can access your eModule account here; IMI eModule Home
- A user guide to eModule can be found here; IMI eModule Guide
Individuals can also show any auditor or employer the latest version of their certificate via eModule.
In addition, the IMI Professional Register is constantly updated to reflect any extension. As such, the IMI Professional Register will continue to be used to demonstrate an individual’s current competence and therefore compliance with relevant audit body requirements.
Will an extended Accreditation expiry date suffice in demonstrating my eligibility when applying to do a MoT qualification?
Yes, an extended expiry date of a DVSA approved IMI Accreditation route will fulfil this eligibility requirement.
For further information on full MoT qualification eligibility requirements including accepted qualifications and Accreditations please visit; DVSA, Become an MOT Tester
Will an extended Accreditation expiry date suffice in demonstrating my current competence in relation to BS10125?
Yes, an extended Accreditation expiry date will be accepted as evidence of current competence in the event of a BS10125 audit.