Car Technicians Must Be Trained To Work with Driver Assistance Technology If Lives Are To Be Saved
Whilst this technology is certified at manufacture, the automotive industry professional body, the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI), believes there is still room for improvement to ensure that automotive technicians repairing vehicles fully understand ADAS technology so that all systems are fully calibrated before a vehicle goes back on the road. The body has therefore launched a new IMI ADAS Accreditation to help ensure technicians have the expertise to work with ADAS features in vehicles, protecting the safety of drivers when this technology is activated.
The accreditation has been designed and developed by key industry organisations, including Auto Industry Consulting Ltd, Belron, Nationwide Accident Repair Services Ltd and Thatcham. By partnering with these organisations, the IMI has ensured that the new accreditation is fit for purpose - effectively raising standards in ADAS.
Steve Nash, Chief Executive at the IMI, said:
“It’s predicted that between 2014 and 2030, ADAS technology will save more than 2,500 lives and prevent in excess of 25,000 serious accidents. But it will only work if it is accurately calibrated at all times. Ensuring that accurate recalibration is undertaken following a vehicle repair or when replacing components such as windscreens is therefore vital. And as the professional body for the industry it is right that the IMI ensures the training undertaken by vehicle technicians is in line with the developments in this technology.
“Motorists need to have the peace of mind that repairs undertaken after an accident are done so that ADAS technology remains wholly effective. We are therefore urging motor retailers and garages to invest in continuous training to make sure their technicians are equipped with the right skills to be able to handle this new and rapidly evolving technology. IMI ADAS Accreditation helps to establish a recognized mark of quality for those needing to demonstrate their competence to safely work with ADAS.”
Chris McGowan, Technical Training Manager at Nationwide Accident Repair Services, said:
"The new IMI ADAS Accreditation is a fantastic showcase for the IMI’s dedication to remaining abreast of modern technologies and ensuring that the correct training and education is available for technicians to continue their development. The ADAS module will see technicians prove competency on fitting a component and a safe reset of the machine."
Tim Camm, Technical Training & Quality Manager at Autoglass®, said:
“The ADAS calibration procedure is now part of the windscreen replacement process and it has been identified as a specialist task by the wider automotive community. We value the technical skills of our technicians extremely highly and we hope that this accreditation will demonstrate the aptitude and professionalism of ADAS technicians in the UK. Autoglass® launched the first ADAS calibration solution in the UK and are proud to have collaborated with IMI to develop this accreditation, which will set a new industry standard to support the existing IMI Accreditations.”
Technicians looking to undertake this stand-alone module should be working in the automotive industry and must have relevant diagnostic experience to ensure they are familiar with the skills, knowledge and techniques required to calibrate ADAS systems.