Fighting your corner – and you’re part of it

Fighting your corner – and you’re part of it

What on Earth is going on out there?! It’s a crazy time in the automotive sector and wider economy, so I’ve joined the IMI to help you navigate all this.

In my role as IMI Policy Manager, I will be making sure those creating new policies and regulations understand the needs of IMI members. I will be going directly to civil servants, ministers and decision-makers to make sure they understand the challenges that the automotive industry faces. I used to run my own automotive business, so I’m very familiar with the issues.

As a team, we’re already getting stuck in. The hot topics we’re working on right now include:

  • Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation: We’ve established a relationship with the Competition and Markets Authority and are actively engaging with their consultation to ensure the needs of the industry are considered
  • Policy Watch Linkedin Newsletters: Regular communications on the subjects that matter to the industry such as The Energy Bill Relief Scheme
  • Office for Zero Emissions Vehicles: The government’s ambition is to be a standardised format for the state of battery health – beneficial not only for motorists but also for the industry to help the growing second-hand sales and repair aspects of the sector
  • Four nation policy planning: Working with government and stakeholders to present a plan encompassing each of the devolved nations and how their policies are different to better accommodate the specific needs of each region

I want to hear from you

You’re an important part of this process. I want to understand the issues that face you and your organisation. So I’m setting up regular Policy Clinics, run at the IMI’s Fanshaws office, and will be holding face-to-face appointments once a month. Here’s my email if you want to talk.

The whole team at the IMI understands that members are facing multiple challenges. If you have questions on any other topic, call +44 (0)1992 519025, or send an email to and we’ll try and help.

With my very best wishes,
