The funding’s there to help you complete your apprenticeship

We’ve worked incredibly hard to make sure that apprentices could complete their qualifications since the pandemic hit. It’s been tough, but we’ve managed to set out alternatives to make sure people’s career journeys don’t hit the skids.
The reintroduction of face-to-face End-Point Assessment (EPA) in England was a huge step. They may have felt a little different due to social distancing requirements, but it was a great feeling to get people back on the road, finishing their apprenticeship journey and seeing them head into their chosen career.
Unfortunately, not everyone has been lucky.
Some of you have found yourselves unable to complete your EPA after being made redundant. We understand how devastating that must be, but there is help available.
The government has stepped in to support apprentices by launching the Redundancy Support Service for Apprentices. If you need help, there’s a free advice line (0800 015 0400), and you’ll be able to find new opportunities, and access local and national support services offering financial, health and wellbeing, legal and careers advice too.
Additional information is also available from the website for apprentices that have been made redundant and for employers, training providers.
We’re fighting your corner too. The IMI is talking to training providers that have looked to withdraw apprentices who have been made redundant. We’re making apprentices and trainers aware that there is government funding available to enable apprentices to continue through to EPA.
If you’re worried about your next step it can feel incredibly daunting, but we’re here to help and support you. Head over to the IMI website for the latest updates and key information on EPAs.
If you can’t find the answers you need, please get in touch on +44 (0)1992 519025, or send emails to
And for all the latest updates head to our dedicated COVID-19 website.
With my very best wishes, do let me or my team know if you need any further help.