Got your results? Don’t panic, we’re here to support you

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Exam results are a nerve-racking event at the best of times with so much pressure to get the right grades so you can progress onto the next stage of your life. But this year has been a whole new ball game.

The government had struggled to find a fair system to assess students after exams were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s safe to say it caused uproar. Hopefully recent announcements will help bring both clarity and certainty.

As you digest, hopefully fairer, results things can still seem confusing, and you may be unsure of your options. Don’t worry, the IMI is here to support you and help you succeed. So, whether you received the results you wanted or not, always remember that there are lots of options in the automotive industry, and no matter how you did there is a path to the career you want.

The IMI AutoCity website has a huge amount of information and advice, so whether you’re interests lie in light vehicles, motorcycles, accident repair or any of the other sectors take a look and find out what the industry has to offer.

Apprenticeships remain a key pillar of the sector, and our handy Insider’s Guide to Automotive Apprenticeships should answer a lot of your questions and help you with your next step on the career ladder.

Now isn’t just a confusing time for students, parents and carers can also feel a little lost, which is why the IMI offers a range of information to help them understand what the industry has to offer too.

It’s a diverse sector with over 150 different roles so there is definitely a place for you if you’re ready for the challenge; start searching current vacancies right now and see where it takes you.

If you still need advice on what’s available and how to make the next step we’re always here to answer your questions. Get in touch by email at, tweet us @IMICareers or message us on Instagram @imiautocity. We’re also on the phone: 01992 511521.

With our best wishes

Jo and The Careers Team