The IMI is celebrating Black History Month

Here at the IMI, we have duty to recognise the contributions made to society and our industry, by people of Black heritage and their communities. Black History Month is an opportunity to educate and inspire with the importance of Black history.
What is Black History Month?
Black History Month is the annual celebration and commemoration of moments in history, achievements and contributions that Black people have made. There have been many pioneers, innovations and advancements in our industry and we can do more to showcase, highlight and champion these stories during October and beyond.
Why is Black History Month Important?
Black History Month is to highlight how people from such communities have made pivotal contributions to society. Many people of Black heritage find that assumptions are made about their abilities, character or behaviour due to their race. These instances emphasise the importance of Black History Month, as the event brings to light how Black people are often uncredited historically and potentially undervalued in the workplace.
How The IMI Will Celebrate Black History Month?
- Highlight the Black pioneers of our industry - During Black History Month, we’ll be sharing stories of people who have changed the industry with their innovations and achievements, blazing a trail as pioneering to break stereotypes and perceptions.
- Champion Diversity and Tackle Discrimination - The Diversity Task Force will be continuing to advocate for diversity and inclusion. Ensuring that people of different races are treated equally is a top priority, to tackle discrimination and improve accessibility to deliver a more diverse and eclectic industry.
By addressing racial injustices head-on in our industry, we can actively decrease the number of Black people who suffer from it. The activity of the Diversity Task Force will be to strive to educate people on the plights of marginalised groups, inspiring change and driving inclusivity.