The IMI launches new MotorPro Magazine

The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) has launched a new magazine, MotorPro, designed to appeal to ‘the next generation of automotive professionals’. The new magazine replaces the long-standing IMI membership publication – IMI Magazine (formerly Motor Industry Magazine).

The IMI is the professional body for the automotive industry, with a rapidly growing membership, currently numbering more than 60,000 individuals working in the sector from a wide spectrum of technical, sales, management and service disciplines.

MotorPro has been developed in partnership with Think Publishing, the UK’s leading membership publishing agency that produces content programmes for organisations including the Chartered Management Institute, Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the National Trust for Scotland. James Scoltock, former editor of Automotive Engineer, is the launch editor for MotorPro, which will be produced six times a year and will be supplemented by an enhanced online content programme, also delivered by Think.

Of the new publication, IMI Chief Executive Steve Nash says: “We live in a fast-changing world and MotorPro aims to provide IMI members with the best forward guidance about where the automotive industry is headed. The new format and content reflects the widening membership of the IMI, with more new entrants to the sector recognising the benefits of being involved with our organisation.

“We also want to inspire future generations – and opinion-formers – that the motor industry is an exciting, high-tech place in which to advance a career. There are still too many misconceptions about working in the automotive sector, which the IMI is constantly working to dispel.

“We really believe the new magazine – and the MotorPro name – reflects the combination of professionalism and technical expertise that underpins this fantastic industry.”

Jackie Scully, Think’s publisher of MotorPro, added: “Membership organisations such as the IMI remain among the most trusted sources of information. In a world of ‘fake news’, they’re the go-to place for accurate, informed insight. And in the digital-social-print mix, physical magazines still play a powerful role. We see this reinforced year-on-year in our Re:member research, which tracks the content and communications strategies of the UK’s membership organisations.”

Issue one of MotorPro features a major report on the ten trends shaping the future motor industry, which include wide-scale electrification; changes in the safety requirements across the whole automotive sector; and emerging mobility trends such as ‘collective transport’.

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