IMI moves ATA Roadside off the hard shoulder

The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) has unveiled the latest update to IMI Accreditation Roadside (ATA Roadside).  Whereas the previous accreditation focussed on the technical aspects of roadside assistance, the latest update has a greater focus on the safety issues around working at the roadside, including taking into account the safety of the motorist.  As a result, ATA Roadside now incorporates best practice when working at the side of the highway.

The update also sees the introduction of a suite of four levels, which reflect the growing diversity and unique skills required to work on vehicles outside a workshop setting.  The accreditation now includes Tyre Technician and Assistance / Recovery Technician, as well as the original Diagnostic Technician and Master Technician accreditations.  Developed in conjunction with key industry players, including the AA and RAC, the new look ATA Roadside has also been extensively trialled with Allianz, the Mansfield Group and Kavanaghs.

Steve Scofield, Head of IMI Accreditation, comments: “Motor industry professionals operating by the side of the road face a unique set of challenges, both in terms of safety and technical expertise.  Therefore, it is essential that IMI Accreditations in this area reflect the very latest competencies required by employers, their staff and customers.  We believe that the latest updates will ensure that our accreditations meet the latest requirement in this highly demanding area.”

ATA is an industry standard benchmark of competence.  An IMI accredited individual must prove their competence at performing the job in their specialism.  To find out more about ATA, visit: