ST0033 - New version of assessment plan available AP04

New version of assessment plan AP04 published for ST0033 1st January 2022. Clarification of marking boundaries to be applied to each set of 5 questions asked per skills task carried out. This was implemented with immediate effect from the 1st January 2022, due to the change being minor. - Update November 2023
Apprentices currently on AP03 can transfer over to AP04 if they have not yet reached EPA gateway. Important note: This is optional and at the employer's discretion in agreeance with the apprentice.
Apprentice's start date submitted on the ILR will determine which assessment plan they will be expected to undertake EPA against. For example, if an apprentice was enrolled on or after the 1st January 2022 they must undertake EPA against the AP04 plan and therefore be registered with the IMI on AP04 package. Important note: apprentice's start date is the actual enrollment and start date onto the apprenticeship and NOT the registration date made with the IMI.
Employers can request to move to a later version on the plan if available for apprentices that started before the published date and in best interest for the apprentice. If you are an existing centre already approved against ST0033 AP03, you will shortly receive a notification document detailing your existing AP03 contract and terms and conditions that remain valid and will also cover AP04 assessment plan. As this is a minor change no terms and conditions have been amended. Registrations for AP04 will be available on Webportal for centres week commencing 21/02/2022. All centres that have been approved for AP03 have now been automatically been linked to AP04 – if you wish to have access to the LVA04 eLogbook, please email
Registrations for AP03 will be closed from the 2nd January 2024 – Therefore, if you have an apprentice you need to register on LVAP03 EPA after this date, please email
Important note: You must ensure apprentices are registered on the relevant assessment plan version according to their apprenticeship start date as per the guidance above. Any apprentice requiring a transfer to AP04 who are already registered on AP03 or AP02 and have not yet reached EPA gateway can request to be transferred by emailing
If you have any enquiries relating to this update, please contact EPA team at