We’re making progress to keep you developing

Mark Armitage

As the industry begins to take its first tentative steps to restarting, the need to make sure that learners can also move on to the next stage of their careers increases too.

We’ve continued to lobby governing bodies to make sure no element of your studies is missed. We’ve already made adaptations to make sure you can carry on, and as restrictions lift we’ll continue to adjust what we offer, allowing you to continue your journeys. It isn’t simple but we are making progress.

Ofqual’s Extraordinary Framework consultation to formulate new rules on how to manage the IMI’s awarding activities has now closed, and as soon as it’s finalised we’ll let you know what to expect.

What we do know is that part of the consultation focused on categorising qualifications and then adapting how they’re assessed. At this stage it’s likely that we’ll need to look at either:

  • Estimate/calculating a result
  • Adapt assessments
  • Delay/reschedule

Clarifying the situation will be important, which is why we’ll host a webinar on the Regulatory Framework as soon as possible, it’ll help us give you all the information you need and allow us to answer any questions you may have. Keep an eye on the IMI’s webinars page and social media channels so you can sign up as soon as we have a confirmed date and time. And why not watch some of our past events, we’ve covered a lot of ground already related to learning.

As the doors begin to reopen at Centres we need to make sure it’s safe for everyone involved, which will mean drawing up a risk assessment. In the meantime, the Government guidelines on working safely during the coronavirus could be a helpful resource.

Finally, there are two links I think could prove useful.  Firstly, the current government guidance document for Centres which sets out what can be expected from Awarding Organisations in the coming days and weeks in relation to the awarding of vocational and technical qualifications, in summer 2020.

And secondly, the government’s advice for teachers, trainers and tutors, learners, parents and carers, employers and professional bodies on vocational and technical qualifications.

While we’re making progress, don’t forget we’re here to help, so if you have any questions, please contact us on +44 (0)1992 519025 or send emails to hello@theimi.org.uk.
For all the latest updates and government-specific information head to our dedicated COVID-19 website.
Take care of yourselves and your families.
With my very best wishes,