We all learn in different ways but improving our memory can help us retain much more information. Here are 5 simple tips to improve your memory retention.
Pay Attention
The simplest way to improve your memory is to pay attention. Letting your mind wander prevents functional memories to form and you’ll likely have a problem when you need to retrieve that information at a later date.
Repeat, Repeat, Repeat
Repeat what you want to remember in your mind over and over again. This works well for locations, people and inanimate objects. Keep repeating until it is implanted in your memory.
Picture it
Generate an image for what you need to remember or anchor it in a symbol. A big part of memory is visual, so an image gives you a better chance of being able to recall something.
Pin it up
Place the information you need to remember in an easy-to-read place and somewhere you’ll see it often. If you’re casually glancing at bite-sized information on a regular basis, it will be naturally absorbed and you’ll effortlessly remember it.
Teach it
The best way to remember something is to explain it to someone else. Share what you know with a colleague or friend, and you'll find it easier to recall.