Help train automotive professionals of the future
Join the only professional body who represent all individuals working in the automotive industry and become part of a global network of over 600 centres to deliver qualifications and IMI learning and development solutions to automotive professionals. As an IMI Centre, you will gain access to a wealth of knowledge, expertise and support to enable you to offer and deliver a portfolio of learning products and services that aim to maintain and improve industry standards as the sector evolves at pace.
Utilise a range of member benefits
All IMI centres also gain the privilege of being member of the IMI, this means you will gain access to a range of benefits that include:
• a dedicated centre External Quality Assurer
• a dedicated centre Business Development Manager
• access to a dedicated Member Support team who can help with a range of queries
• monthly centre eZines offering industry updates, latest news, events and more
• access to regional events specifically for centres to support networking and learning
• the opportunity to attend member events and have your say about how the IMI can help you
• opportunity to feed into influencing and lobbying activity
To help you understand whether you are ready for IMI Centre Approval, please use this downloadable Centre Self-evaluation Checklist. All criteria must be in place before approval is granted.
To find out more, contact us and we will be more than happy to help you on your way to becoming a centre.