Important Changes to our Qualification Portfolio

After reviewing our portfolio, we have identified several qualifications that have no, or very low registrations or are no longer viable. We plan to withdraw these qualifications, with the last date for registering learners being 31st December 2024. Learners already undertaking these qualifications will not be affected.  

Please find a the list of affected qualifications here.

We understand that centres may wish to retain certain qualifications where there sufficient is sufficient employer demand, so we are offering the opportunity to provide details of support. Guidance notes on how to provide this are here.

We do also recognise that the majority of our proposals derive from the funding changes in England which won’t necessarily extend to the devolved nations.  It is therefore extremely important for our centres in Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland to contact us providing insight into their needs and rationale for retaining as detailed above.   

The closing date for submission submitting letters of support has been extended to is 28th June 30th September 2024. Please note that this will require additional centre and employer commitment to review any qualifications retained, to ensure they are fit for purpose.

The IMI will update centres in July October 2024 with the final list including updated registration and certification end dates.

If you have any immediate queries or concerns regarding these changes, please contact  


EV Qualifications

Have a look at our list of Electric Vehicle qualifications.

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