Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given

That an Ordinary General Meeting (being the one hundred and third Annual General Meeting of the Institute) will be held digitally and at Fanshaws on Wednesday 30th October 2024 at 9:30 am.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 25th October 2023
  3. Installation of President – 2024/25
  4. Installation of Vice Presidents – 2024/25
  5. Installation of Honorary Treasurer – 2024/25
  6. Declaration of Directors
  7. Revenue Account and Balance Sheet of the Institute for the year ended 31 March 2024 and the Auditor’s Report
  8. Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2023
  9. Appointment of Auditors
  10. Any other business

By Order of the Board
Steve Nash
Chief Executive Officer

The Institute’s Articles of Association 15.1 provides: on a vote on a resolution at a General Meeting on a show of hands or on a poll, every Corporate Member present in person or by proxy has one vote.

Article of Association 16.1 provides: a "proxy notice" (as defined in Model Article 31(1)) and any authentication of it demanded by the Board Members must be received at an address specified by the Institute in the proxy notice not less than 48 hours before the time for holding the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the proxy appointed pursuant to the proxy notice proposes to vote; and any proxy notice received at such address less than 48 hours before the time for holding the meeting or adjourned meeting shall be invalid.

If you wish to attend virtually, please contact: - Steve Nash, Chief Executive Officer c/o Antonella Dimaria -

The Annual Report will be available on the IMI website from September 2024.

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