AGM Update
We would like to inform you that the IMI’s AGM, scheduled for Wednesday 22nd January, has been postponed. We would like to apologise to all members who were planning to attend.
The postponement is due to a technical fault with the online proxy voting form, which means that some members have been unable to download the form and are therefore unable to cast their proxy vote.
In the interests of fairness and good process, we will resolve this technical issue so that all members who wish to cast proxy votes are able to do so.
We will confirm a new date for the AGM as soon as we can. If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please contact:
We look forward to welcoming members to our rearranged AGM in due course.
Notice is hereby given
That a General Meeting (being the one hundred and third Annual General Meeting of the Institute) will be held at Fanshaws, Brickendon, Hertford, SG13 8PQ.
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 25th October 2023
- Acknowledgement of the expiry of Board Members' terms
- Installation of President – 2024/25
- Installation of Vice Presidents – 2024/25
- Installation of Honorary Treasurer – 2024/25
- Declaration of Directors
- Revenue Account and Balance Sheet of the Institute for the year ended 31 March 2024 and the Auditor’s Report
- Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2024
- Appointment of Auditors
- Any other business

Annual Report 2024
Business to be resolved
To consider and pass the following ordinary resolutions:
Agenda Item 3 – THAT, pursuant to section 239 of the Companies Act 2006, the extension of the below Board Members’ terms of office be authorised by the Members and THAT the Board be authorised to agree a further term for each of the below Board Members:
- Mark Crandon;
- Adrian Davies;
- Kevin Finn;
- Arran Simms;
- Richard Siney;
- Anthony Tomsett.
Agenda Item 4 - THAT Professor Jim Saker be elected as President for 2024/25;
Agenda Item 5 – THAT the following:
Mr John Neill CBE FIMI | Chair of Unipart’s RBS Pension Trustee Board Unipart Group of Companies |
Mrs Sarah Sillars OBE HonFIMI | NED of Citygate Automotive and Remit Training |
Mrs Linda Jackson HonFIMI | Brand Chief Executive Officer – Peugeot Brand |
Mr Sandy Burgess FIMI | |
Mr Daksh Gupta FIMI | Group Chief Executive Officer Huws Gray |
Julia Muir HonFIMI | Founder Automotive 30% Club. |
Robert Forrester FIMI | CEO Vertu Motors |
be elected as Vice Presidents for 2024/2025.
Agenda Item 6 – Mr Anthony Tomsett FIMI be elected as Honorary Treasurer.
Agenda Item 7 - THAT the following:
Chris Mason and Ian Plummer are to be re-appointed to the Board for a further three year term each pursuant to article 6.2(a);
Azlina Kamarulzaman’s appointment as Managing Director and member of the Board confirmed for 12 months from July 2024; and
Simon Barrell's appointment as Chief Financial Officer and member of the Board confirmed for 12 months from July 2024.
Agenda Item 8 – THAT the Revenue Account and Balance Sheet of the Institute for the year ended 31 March 2024 and the Auditor’s Report be APPROVED.
Agenda Item 9 – THAT the Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2024 be APPROVED.
Agenda Item 10 – THAT Azets be re-appointed as the auditors of the Institute until the end of the next Annual General Meeting.
By Order of the Board
Simon Barrell
Chief Financial Officer
Attending the Annual General Meeting
If you wish to attend the AGM in person at Fanshaws, Brickendon, Hertford, SG13 8PQ on 22 January 2025 at 11:00am, please RSVP by email to, stating that you’d like to join in person. Please include your full name and membership number.
If you are unable to attend the AGM in person, but would like to watch it on a stream, please RSVP by email to, stating that you wish to join virtually. Please include your full name and membership number.
You will not be counted as present and if you would like to vote, you need to return the proxy form no later than 11am GMT on Monday 20th January. For more information, please see the IMI website or contact us.
Appointment of proxies
As a member of the Institute, you are entitled to appoint a proxy to exercise all or any of your rights to attend, speak and vote at the Meeting and you should have received a proxy form with this notice of meeting. You can only appoint a proxy using the procedures set out in these notes and the notes to the proxy form.
To appoint a proxy using the proxy form, the form must be:
- Completed and signed;
- sent or delivered to the Institute at Fanshaws, Brickendon, Hertford, SG13 8PQ; and
- received by the Institute no later than 11:00am on Monday 20 January 2025.
In the case of a member which is a company, the proxy form must be executed under its common seal or signed on its behalf by an officer of the company or an attorney for the company in the presence of an independent witness.
To change your proxy instructions simply submit a new proxy appointment using the proxy form with this notice. Please also contact Azlina Bulmer, Managing Director, The Institute of the Motor Industry Fanshaws, Brickendon, Hertford, SG13 8PQ or by email
In order to revoke a proxy instruction, you will need to inform the Institute by sending a signed hard copy notice clearly stating your intention to revoke your proxy appointment to Fanshaws, Brickendon, Hertford, SG13 8PQ. In the case of a member which is a company, the revocation notice must be executed under its common seal or signed on its behalf by an officer of the company or an attorney for the company.
As an alternative to completing the hard-copy proxy form, you can appoint a proxy electronically. For an electronic proxy appointment to be valid, your appointment must be received by the Company no later than 11:00am on Monday 20 January 2025.
This should not be used for any other purposes unless expressly stated.
The Annual Report is available on the IMI website from September 2024 –