Driving the automotive sector

Building an industry that’s fit for the future

The IMI's statement regarding the 2024 general elections

As the Prime Minister has set the date for the General Election of 4th July, the Institute of the Motor Industry welcomes the opportunity to engage with every party to ensure that the critical issues around automotive vacancy rates, skills, education, and new technologies in automotive are addressed in their manifestos.

Automotive is a mainstay of UK economic and social infrastructure, however, without correctly maintained and repaired vehicles, supported by a sufficiently populated, diverse, qualified, and continuously trained workforce this fundamental is at serious risk.

The IMI believes that there is a clear opportunity for the next Government to learn from the past and provide the support and infrastructure that will ensure UK automotive remains a global leader, as well as give UK motorists and businesses confidence.

To support you during this critical period, we have developed a comprehensive election guide that includes the following key resources:

  • Election FAQs
  • The IMI's General Election Wish List
  • A Breakdown of the Principal Political Party Manifestos

Read the IMI's General Election 2024 Guide

The IMI's general election wish list

The automotive industry is a mainstay of UK economic and social infrastructure accounting for around 866,000 jobs and £37 billion gross value added (GVA) to the UK economy in 2023.

Without correctly maintained and repaired vehicles, supported by a sufficiently populated, diverse, qualified and continuously trained workforce, economic and social stability is at serious risk. The automotive sector must, therefore, be a focus for the next UK government.

These are the key issues that the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI), the professional body for all individuals working in the automotive sector, believes need addressing to ensure the sustainability of the automotive sector and, therefore, sustainability of the UK economy:

  • Education
  • Skills
  • Road Safety/Consumer Trust & Confidence
  • New Technologies 
Read our full general election wish list

Focused on today’s challenges

The automotive sector is crucial to the UK economy. We employ 700,000+ people and have a collective turnover of some £200bn. 

But our industry also faces a number of critical challenges: attracting and retaining talent; skills gaps at senior and entry level; regulatory change; and overall public confidence. 

IMI specialists bring up-to-date, relevant evidence and technical expertise to these debates, and we have a track record of setting the agenda around automotive skills.

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