Case Study: Saturday Pit Crew

Case Study: Saturday Pit Crew

This case study attempts to use terminology that is acceptable to under-represented groups, but we appreciate that some of what is written may be problematic. For this we apologise. As with many others, we are on a learning journey and hope that you will bear with us as we move forward together.

Following the closure of the Ford plant in Bridgend in 2020, the Welsh government negotiated Ford Legacy funding to continue the Ford Saturday Club. This had previously operated as a feeder route for young people into the industry. 

Bridgend College have taken this over, and with collaboration of young people, have reimagined the club to become ‘Saturday Pit Crew’.  A 10 week two-and-a-half-hour session every Saturday, the first cohort will start in January 2022. The plan is to run the crew three times a year. Their first cohort is made up of 40% women and 60% men, all in Year 10.  The college advertised through contacts in the consortium and though social media accumulating 1700 hits in 24 hours and 13 applications.  


The Saturday Pit Crew 

The Saturday Pit Crew is an exciting new learning opportunity for Year 10 pupils who are curious about automotive technology. Delivered as a free Saturday Club and supported by the Ford Legacy Fund, the group will meet at Bridgend College’s brand new STEAM Academy at Pencoed Campus. Hosted by international technical author, Hayley Pells. The course looks at an induction, petrol, diesel, Hybrid and EV vehicles, brakes, suspension, steering and culminates in a career's day for parents and careers.  

Bridgend college have been innovative and responsive outside of automotive, including running women only DIY courses, and offer places to run Basic Vehicle Maintenance, EV and Hybrid courses and also Customer Advice for purchasing Electric Vehicles. These courses came about following feedback from previous course attendees. The College hopes to attract women into typically male dominated courses, allowing confidence to build and providing a feeder route to further study.  

Students will earn about the internal combustion engine, the future of high voltage private transport, and how they steer, stop and stick to the road. The course will give an overview of the complexity of the vehicles seen every day on British roads and what can be expected in the future. 

Sponsored by the Ford Legacy Fund.