How the IMI is on the road to spread the word (and you can help)


Automotive needs more talent. It’s a challenge that isn’t going away, and as an industry everyone needs to play a part in meeting it. 

With so much innovation happening in the sector, huge shifts in technology, mobility and skills, it should be an easy sell to draw a new generation of talent in, but the truth is there’s a huge amount of competition.

Automotive is battling against other sectors to attract the talent it needs, and that makes it difficult. So, how do we ensure that students, as well as teachers, parents and influencers of that future talent know what’s on offer?

The answer is simple, by getting out there and telling them. The IMI careers team is on the road, attending events large and small, at schools, colleges and industry events, doing just that. It’s something the IMI won’t ever stop doing, but the truth is we can all do more to help shout about the opportunities automotive has.

A sector-wide task

As a community, with the support, experience, knowledge and passion that we all possess, we could do so much more. But it can be difficult to know how to start, thankfully there are a range of resources available to help.

The IMI has created free downloadable Key Stage 2, 3 and 4 curriculum linked resources, all with an automotive theme, to inspire and educate learners on the opportunities within this exciting and diverse industry. But there is much more. 

Download presentations that explain everything automotive has to offer for everyone from KS1 to KS4, as well as guides to work experience for organisers, students and employees whether its in-person or virtual. Add in employability toolkits, apprenticeship guides, and information on routes and opportunities into automotive for parents and carers and there’s a huge range of information on tap ready to help spread the word about the sector and what it has to offer.

There’s another chance to be part of the change: using IMI Connect. Add your experiences and expertise to the Careers outreach - inspire the future of Automotive thread.

By adding your views on outreach and engagement and sharing your knowledge and good practice it’ll help others to develop their own approaches to attracting the new talent automotive needs. Something we all need to do.

Need free resources and guidance on inspiring a new generation of automotive talent, head to IMI Autocity or contact the IMI careers team to find out how you can get involved