My motoring inspiration: Adam Eastty


International IMI member Adam Eastty looked beyond his home in Boston, Massachusetts in the US to make sure his career continued to accelerate as the automotive sector enters a new, electrified future.

What inspired you to embark on a career in automotive?

I was really lucky to be exposed to this world at a young age. My dad worked as a service manager at a local car dealership here in the US, often bringing me to work with him either after school or on Saturdays. Although I grew up in a world of automobiles, it was being around people who were genuinely passionate about them that had a big impact on me. From the management team to sales, service, and technicians, I had the chance to learn from their enthusiasm and knowledge. It was an amazing experience that shaped my passion for this industry, and I'll always be grateful for it.

Why did you become a member of the IMI?

I am currently certified in the US through the Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair (I-CAR), which has been instrumental in enhancing my skills and expertise in the automotive industry in the US. However, during my time at Tractable, a London-based AI tech company, I had the pleasure of working alongside my colleague Max Ali, who introduced me to the Institute of the Motor Industry.

Learning about the IMI's mission and its positive impact on professionals in our industry was genuinely inspiring. The IMI's commitment to advancing skills, knowledge, and professionalism aligns perfectly with my own aspirations for continuous growth and development. The educational courses offered by the IMI are highly regarded, and I believe that participating in these courses will not only enhance my existing skillset but also open doors to new opportunities and career advancements.

What truly stood out to me was the IMI's membership network. Joining this network presents an incredible opportunity to connect with like-minded automotive professionals from various backgrounds and areas of expertise. The prospect of exchanging insights, experiences, and perspectives with industry peers is invaluable. It allows for a holistic understanding of the automotive landscape and provides a platform for collaboration, innovation, and personal growth. Through the IMI's membership network, I can build meaningful relationships and tap into a vast pool of knowledge and expertise that I wouldn't otherwise have access to.

Lastly, The skills acquired in the automotive trade are remarkably interchangeable between countries, the United States, the United Kingdom, and other regions across the globe. The fundamental principles of mechanical, electrical, and body repair remain consistent regardless of geographical location. Whether it's diagnosing an engine problem, troubleshooting electrical faults, or repairing body damage, the knowledge and expertise gained in the automotive trade can be applied universally. Automobiles exist worldwide, and thus, the skills and passion for all things automotive transcend borders, making them highly transferable and valuable.

Part of your career has focused on Artificial Intelligence - how important do you think this sphere will be in the industry moving forward?

It has the potential to revolutionise autonomous driving, vehicle damage analysis, vehicle design and performance optimisation, driving experience, and customer interactions. AI technologies enable vehicles to perceive surroundings, make better-informed decisions, and navigate complex environments, enhancing road safety and efficiency. AI-driven simulations and predictive maintenance improve vehicle design and reliability and reduce maintenance costs. AI-powered voice recognition, personal assistants, and infotainment systems enhance vehicles' driving experience and connectivity. Moreover, AI improves customer support, personalised recommendations, and operational efficiency. Embracing AI is critical for automotive companies to stay competitive and meet evolving industry and customer demands.

Automotive is moving through some incredible changes at the moment; how do you think your career will change because of them?

The increasing integration of advanced technologies such as electric vehicles, autonomous driving, and connectivity will profoundly impact my career. To stay relevant and thrive in this changing landscape, I must continuously update my knowledge and skills to specialise in these emerging areas. For instance, understanding the intricacies of EV technology, including battery systems, advanced electrical diagnostics, and electrical theory, will become essential. Similarly, keeping pace with developments in autonomous driving and associated regulatory frameworks will be crucial to providing accurate assessments and adapting to new industry practices.

Additionally, The automotive industry's increased focus on digitalisation and data-driven decision-making will require me to become proficient in utilizing and analysing vast amounts of data. This may involve leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning tools to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of damage analysis and gain valuable insights from data analytics. The ongoing changes in the automotive industry will necessitate continuous learning, adaptation, and embracing of new technologies.

Automotive is always looking to bring in new talent, what would you say to someone considering a career in the sector but who is as yet undecided?

Seriously consider the automotive industry. It's an exciting and ever-evolving sector that is constantly on the lookout for fresh talent. One of the greatest advantages of pursuing a career in automotive is its diverse range of opportunities. Not only does the it provide diverse career paths, but it also keeps you on the forefront of technology and innovation. You'll have the chance to work with cutting-edge advancements, such as electric and autonomous vehicles, connected cars, and advanced safety systems. Being part of this industry means being at the forefront of technological breakthroughs that are shaping the future of transportation.

Adam Eastty AffIMI is Specialty Commercial Auto Physical Damage Appraiser at Mobilitas Insurance