There’s more to motor careers: marketing in the automotive sector


Automotive is full of roles, offering something for everyone, from technical positions to non-technical opportunities. MotorPro uncovers the variety of jobs the sector has to offer, starting with two apprentices who are part of the marketing team at Autotech Group…

Sian Hartley, Marketing Executive Apprentice

What made you chose an apprenticeship?

For me it was the ability to earn while I learn that gave me the idea to proceed forward with an apprenticeship. University is very expensive and provides little real world experience whereas being an apprentice has given me the opportunity to work in the professional environment while attending college one day in the week to progress with my qualification.

Why work in the automotive sector?

As someone who adores cars and is lucky enough to be working on my own modified car, I believe a job related to the automotive world is a great step for someone who already has a passion for cars. The automotive world is such a vast world you can honestly go anywhere! Want to be a mechanic? There’s a job for that. Want to be more media based? There’s plenty of opportunities for that!

What’s the most challenging part of your apprenticeship?

Personally, for me it was the step from college, and a large social life, to 9-5 office days. Apprenticeships are highly educational and valuable however if you’re someone who likes being free spirited and working out of the normal hours, I would definitely recommend looking for something that fits you, that way you’re going to love your job and potentially achieve so much more! Essentially, the hardest part is choosing and finding the one best suited for you.

Where do you want your career to take you?

It’s hard to put my finger on one thing really as I’m quite happy to go with the flow! However, I think if I had to choose one pathway it would be to become a social media creator for a race team or even something completely different down the line! I have many dreams so I would like to incorporate my learnings as an apprentice into one of those future roles.

What advice would you give youngsters wanting to do an apprenticeship?

DO YOUR RESEARCH! Do not settle for something you don’t fully want to do! I know it is easy to get the closest apprenticeship however if it’s not fully what you would like to do then don’t go for it. Find one that’s right for you and, trust me, you’ll love every minute of it! Finding the right one is worth the wait.

Alex Robinson, Marketing Executive Apprentice

What made you chose an apprenticeship?

University didn’t really appeal to me, especially once I decided I wanted to work in marketing – I learn better by doing rather than listening to lectures and reading from a book. Also, I had had enough of classroom learning every day and I wanted a change.

The idea of a salary and being debt free going into my early career was appealing too - plus it gives me more financial independence and makes me less reliant on my parents!

As an apprentice, I get qualifications, years of genuine work experience and a salary – it seemed like a no-brainer to me. I also think it’s important to get into the industry early and learn those skills and employers are definitely keen on taking apprentices these days.

Why work in the automotive sector?

I have always had an interest in cars and wanted to work in the sector since I was young. It’s a really exciting industry to be in with all the change coming – EVs, hydrogen, etc – the sector needs to constantly evolve and adapt constantly and I’m looking forward to being part of this. There are so many different avenues to explore – retail, aftermarket, motorsport, etc – so as an apprentice, you get to delve into it all at an early stage.

What is the most challenging part of your apprenticeship?

Transitioning from sixth form to full time work in a well-established team has been a bit of a shock to the system but one I have adapted to well.

I need to improve on organising my time and prioritising my work tasks - all the things you don’t necessarily learn from in classroom – but I am managing this and learning all the time.

Where do you want your career to take you?

My current aim is to become a strong marketeer and, one day, have my own creative marketing agency. Running my own business is something that I aspire to do but I also like the idea of staying in the automotive sector as it genuinely interests me.

What advice would you give to youngsters thinking about doing an apprenticeship?

Do some research on whether you can get into your preferred field through an apprenticeship. If it is accessible, then it is worth the effort. Compare it alongside other too, i.e., university to see where it can lead you. An apprenticeship isn’t the route for everyone, but they are becoming more accessible, and I would recommend anyone considering it as an option.

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