Four ways to support apprentices (even when the government doesn’t)

Four ways to support apprentices (even when the government doesn’t)

It’s frustrating how little support was shown for apprentices by the government last week. It’s cost of living support for students completely ignored all those on apprenticeship programmes. That can’t be right.

As the IMI’s Policy Manager Hayley Pells pointed out the reality is that most apprentices are on either the minimum or living wage – and some may even face redundancy or reduced working hours when economic conditions put pressure on employers.

They need help when times get tough, so what can we do?

01Remember how valuable to businesses apprenticeships are. By investing in an apprentice, you’re investing in your business and its future success. Check out our Return on Investment Calculator and you’ll see exactly how worthwhile it is

02Invest in your apprentices. The more skilled they become, the more they can help your business grow. And as the industry continues its shift to an electrified future the younger generations’ knowledge and adaptability will be incredibly important.

03Make sure apprentices are making the most of IMI Student Membership to take advantage of discounts to help take the edge off the rising cost of living and have access to the latest job listings.

04Use the IMI Skills Competitions to shine a light on the fantastic skills we have in the apprentice ranks across Light Vehicle Technology, Body Repair, Heavy Vehicle Technology and Refinishing. It could also accelerate an apprentice’s career to the next level.

It’s tough for a lot of people at the moment, but together we can help one another through it. If you have any questions, please get in touch on +44 (0)1992 519025, or send an email to and we’ll try out best to help.

With my very best wishes
