Vacancy Rate Tracker: Automotive vacancies heading in the wrong direction

‘Motor Trades’ back in number 1 spot and vacancies rise to 21,000
Despite some success at cutting vacancy numbers earlier in the year, July 2024 saw the automotive sector return to top spot in the ‘Vacancies by Sector’ chart, overtaking hospitality. With the highest vacancy rate of all industries/sectors, The Institute of the Motor Industry’s (IMI) latest Vacancy Rate Tracker for July 2024 data from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) shows motor trades vacancies have increased marginally to 3.8 vacancies for every 100 employees.
Kevin Finn, Executive Chair at the IMI commented: “Undoubtedly, the summer months are a harder time to recruit but it’s disappointing to see that, despite the hard work to address the significant skills gap, the automotive sector has returned to the top spot in the ‘Vacancies by Sector’ chart.
“The technological advances in automotive mean employers are not just competing with other automotive businesses but across a wider range of industries. We are an exceptionally exciting sector with more than 200 job roles, and we need ensure the message about what a career in automotive offers continues to be pushed to attract the right talent.”
The IMI’s There's More to Motor campaign is helping to shift perceptions and encourage more people at all levels to consider a career in automotive, vastly increasing the talent pool businesses can tap into when recruiting to fill their skills gaps. With support from employers, this campaign is essential as the mix of automotive technologies on UK roads demands a more diverse skillset than ever before.
The IMI Automotive Vacancies report can be downloaded here.
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