Vocational and technical qualifications
Help for learners undertaking vocational and technical qualifications
What's the latest for learners registered in England, Northern Ireland and Wales?
Awarding vocational qualifications in summer 2020 for learners registered in England, Northern Ireland and Wales.
IMI Centre Assessment Grading process for learners
Where can I find the Q&A's following the Regulatory Framework webinar?
Please find these here.
Where can I find the full list of IMI qualifications in scope?
The full list of qualifications can be found here
The qualification I am delivering is not on the list, why?
The list includes qualifications regulated in England, Northern Ireland and Wales where there are learners currently registered with a completion date before 31 July 2020.
If the qualification you are delivering is not on the list, this may mean it is out of scope of the regulatory framework meaning it will not be monitored in the same way. Please contact your EQA for further support.
Which learners do these arrangements apply to?
These arrangements apply to learners who were due to take assessments towards unit or qualification results between 20 March (when classroom-based delivery was suspended) and 31 July 2020.
This includes those learners who may be only part way through their programme of study (for example in year 12) and will continue with learning towards their qualification after this date – for example if they had planned to take an assessment on one or more units of a modular course half-way through a 2-year programme of study.
Can we undertake assessments remotely?
Please find the latest guidance on the process for submitting proposed adaptations here.
What's the latest for learners registered in Scotland?
Please view the latest advice here.