What is the IMI doing to support Apprentices and Training Providers with End Point Assessment?

The IMI EPA team are working closely with the Ifate and associated External Quality Assurance Providers (EQAP) to manage and facilitate End Point Assessment activities during this difficult period.
Currently the IMI have confirmed with RMISC (EQAP for the Light Vehicle ST0033 AP02/03 standard) our intention to conduct remotely invigilated Knowledge assessments, plus remote Professional Discussions utilising technology during this period of Covid-19 lockdown and social distancing.
How can you schedule Remote EPA assessments?
To take advantage of these remote assessments and progress your apprentices, you do need to have all pre-requisites in place and submit your EPA booking form to the IMI as normal, providing apprentice details, types of assessments required along with the dates assessments are to take place. Please see specific details for the standards on the IMI website and ‘Operating Manual’.
The assessments can now be taken in any order and the apprentice does not have to pass the knowledge assessments prior to undertaking further assessment types.
The remotely invigilated knowledge assessment can be taken at any agreed location (full guidance is provided by the IMI). An IMI invigilator will conduct and manage the assessment throughout, the apprentice will be given a link and guidance documents prior to the assessment including I.T. requirements.
The professional discussion can be taken at any agreed location via the IMI SEPA system, the apprentice will require access to the internet plus I.T. equipment that incorporates video and microphone (full guidance is provided by the IMI).
At this time, no skills assessments can take place due to the Covid-19 lockdown and there has been no alternative assessment approved by the Ifate or EQAP. Any outstanding skills assessments can be taken when the current restrictions are lifted.
Having worked closely with IMI customers to facilitate these assessments, an early adaptor of the remote assessments for the light vehicle standard is training provider ‘ProVQ’. Working with Jon Davies FIMI (Director of Vocational Operations) and his team at ‘ProVQ’, they have just scheduled remote assessments for apprentices from their automotive apprenticeship programmes.
Statement from Jon Davies, ProvQ
At the onset of this current unprecedented situation, we found ourselves in a position where we had several learners that were at various stages throughout their EPA. Some had just completed their tri-party agreement, others weren’t able to attend booked EPA assessments due to travel restrictions, learners who only have their professional discussion left to complete and some who were in self isolation. We are delighted to be working closely with the IMI EPAO to overcome these challenges and ensure all our learners are given the opportunity to achieve their Apprenticeship and demonstrate the highest levels of knowledge, skills and behaviours.
What else is the IMI doing to support Apprentices and Training Providers with End Point Assessment?
The IMI EPA team are currently working on additional remote assessment solutions for further apprenticeship standards and will be announcing additional options for a range of standards we offer.
If you would like any further information regarding remote assessment for End Point Assessment, or how the IMI can support you and your apprentices at this time, contact the IMI and speak to a member of the IMI EPA & Assessment Services team.