I am a centre offering accreditations, what should I apply for?
Simply download the presentation below where you can determine which test(s) your assessors need to be registered for. Once you have found the correct route(s) you will need to apply via Centres Hub using the Qualification / Accreditation Approval Form.
Once approved, you will be able to register your Assessors using the qualifications tab on Web Portal 2.
The test will be available for the Assessor to take 48 hours after registration; this test must be taken under strict invigilation conditions.
Once the test has been passed, the centre must make the claim for the certificate and keep all relevant supporting information on file for the EQA to sample on their next visit.
This must be completed by 31st March 2018 for both current Accredited Assessor certificate holders whose certificates have expired and those involved in assessing accreditations but do not have a valid certificate. From 1st April, 2018, any outstanding Assessors who do not have a valid Accredited Assessor Certificate, will be required to attend a workshop in order to become accredited.
**Please note Centres must be able to prove that Assessors who have taken the Accredited Assessor re accreditation online test have assessed at least nine candidates in the last three years, and that they have been subject to the centre’s Quality Assurance process.
**Please note this reaccreditation process is not applicable to Management & Leadership or VDA Assessors. Further notification regarding these assessment routes will follow shortly.**
Assessors new to assessing accreditations
New Assessors will be required to attend an Accredited Assessor workshop. This can be arranged by contacting the IMI directly; please email