EPA updates

End Point Assessment update

All Apprenticeship Standards and Assessment Plan regulatory updates are listed below.  Further information may also be found on the Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education (IfATE) website.

This is a reminder that all Training Providers must ensure all apprentice job cards are uploaded to SEPA at least 10 days prior to the first assessment taking place.

10 working days prior to the first EPA assessment, the IMI will perform a final pre-requisite check of evidence uploaded, including any new evidence supplied to the IMI (if requested at initial pre-requisite check). If all evidence meets requirements, the IMI will sign off the EPA Gateway.

For Light Vehicle, 10 days prior to the professional discussion assessment, the IMI independent assessor will inform the apprentice of the job-card evidence selected to discuss during assessment.


  • Temporary dispensation has been applied to the ST0071 end-point assessment plan

    A temporary dispensation has been applied to the ST0071 end-point assessment plan for apprentices who are re-sitting or re-taking only the observation element of the now-retired version 1.0 EPA. The dispensation will last from 20/03/24 to 20/07/24.

    End-point assessment organisations (EPAOs) delivering EPAs for the apprenticeship will implement the dispensation as required, supported and monitored by the relevant EQA provider.

    The key changes are:

    Apprentices who have failed only the observation assessment method prior to the adjustment being implemented, on the now-retired version 1.0 EPA and are re-sitting or re-taking only the observation method on version 1.1 of the EPA, will be permitted 15 minutes of questioning following their observation re-sit or re-take to meet the criteria “resolve complex issues by being able to choose from and successfully apply a wide range of approaches”

    For further information visit the IfATE website 

    If you have any questions, please contact the EPA team at epa@theimi.org.uk.

  • Update to the IMI Apprenticeship Standard Registration - Removal of the Mandatory Field ERN

    With the reduction of employer information required on the ILR for the ESFA (Education Skills and Funding Agency), IMI will be removing the ERN (employer reference number) field from the registration process on WebPortal2 as of 05/12/2022. This field will be removed in its entirety from the registration point for all apprentices on Apprenticeship Gateway or EPA packages.

    The Apprenticeship Standards Registration Guide Document has been updated to reflect this change is available to download from the home page of WebPortal2. Please login to IMI Connect Centres for quick and easy access to WebPortal2

    Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the EPA team at epa@theimi.org.uk.

  • Clarification on Assessment Plan Resit/Retake ST0242 and ST0243
    • The practical task assessment method is made up of 3 separate practical tasks which test the range of KSB's. If one of the practical tasks is failed the candidate has to resit/retake the whole practical tasks assessment method (i.e. all 3 tasks) again.

    This will be implemented from 21st November 2022, and will only apply to apprentices that have their EPA gateway signed off on or after this date.

    Centres that have apprentices booked in that will be affected will also be contacted separately.

    This clarification has been decided and confirmed by the trailblazer group for all EPAOs to apply consistent approach to EPA

    If you require further information, please contact the EPA team at epa@theimi.org.uk.

  • Dispensation Applied to ST0068 and ST0067 (Bus, Coach and Heavy Vehicle)

    On 31st August 2022, IMI were informed of the approved dispensation which was put in place with immediate effect relating to resit/retake rules of the ST0068 and ST0067 assessment plans.

    The dispensation put in place removes the previous barrier of waiting for a new assessment window to resit/retake multiple choice tests, as well as only allowing one attempt per assessment window for any other type of assessment.

    Both assessment plans have been updated on the IfATE website and can be downloaded on their public pages;

    Heavy Vehicle and Service Mantenance Technician v1-2

    Bus and Coach Engineering Technician v1-2

    This dispensation will be in place until the new revision of the assessment plan is approved and publicly published.

    Please also note IMI's booking notices stipulated within Section 9.1 of the Operating Manual remain valid with this dispensation for each type of assessment.

    Any questions or queries, please contact epa@theimi.org.uk.

  • ST0033 AP04 - New Version of Assessment Plan Published Further update (Nov 2023)

    New version of assessment plan AP04 published for ST0033 1st January 2022 - further update (Nov 2023).

    Clarification of marking boundaries to be applied to each set of 5 questions asked per skills task carried out.

    Motor Vehicle Service and Maintenance Technician Light Vehicle v1-3

    This was implemented with immediate effect from the 1st January 2022, due to the change being minor. Apprentices currently on AP03 can transfer over to AP04 if they have not yet reached EPA gateway. This is optional and at the employer's discretion in agreeance with the apprentice.

    Request to transfer, please email epa@theimi.org

    Apprentices start date will determine which assessment plan they will be expected to undertake EPA against. For example, if an apprentice was enrolled on or after the 1st January 2022 they will undertake EPA against the AP04 plan. Employers can request to move to a later version on the plan if available for apprentices that started before the published date and in best interest for the apprentice.

    If you have any enquiries relating o this update, please contact EPA team at epa@theimi.org.uk.

  • EPA Flexibilities Update

    The Institute of Apprenticeships & Technical Educations have shared the following press release in relation to the current COVID flexibilities and discretions. This press release details what flexibilities will remain, which will revert back and how the current discretions will be removed.

    See the latest article here.

  • Retailer ST0327 – Readiness Meeting Clarification and Release of Provisional Results

    Readiness Meeting Clarification:

    Following recent communication with EQAP for the Retailer apprenticeship standard, we have had clarification that the readiness meeting can be conducted remotely and via email communication (where practical to do so) to confirm the plan of forthcoming EPA activities.

    The confirmation of activities via remote email communication will consist of IMI scheduling in the requested EPA dates submitted by the training provider and the assessor accepting them within SEPA. The email notifications received for these assessments from SEPA is the remote email communication confirming the dates.

    Release of Provisional results – Professional Discussion:

    IMI have had confirmation from EQAP to release results for professional discussion post IMI’s moderation process which can take up to 21days. The apprentice will receive professional discussion results alongside overall grade for EPA if the assessment is the last assessment taken.

    If you have any queries relating to this process, please do contact the EPA team, epa@theimi.org.uk.

  • Clarification on Resit/Retake Limit within Heavy Vehicle ST0068 Assessment Plan

    Page 6 of the assessment plan states that that: “Retakes can only result in a pass / fail result, a maximum of three retakes on each assessment activity is permitted”. During a meeting held with representatives of EPAO's, employer groups/trailblazer leads, OFQUAL and IfATE on the 7th June 2021, discussions were held around the limited options for apprentices that had exhausted their three attempts on one or more assessment activities. The conclusion and agreement from the meeting resulted in clarification of how this wording must be interpreted by all EPAOs and providers - 'where an apprentice exhausts their resits/retakes for one or more assessment method, they would have to go back to gateway and resit/take all assessments in the EPA'.

    If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the EPA team epa@theimi.org.uk.

  • An Update For IMI Centres Engaged on Light Vehicle EPA (AP03 Only)

    As part of our continuous improvement activities, we have been working closely with our centres and a number of stakeholders in the sector, regarding Light Vehicle Apprentices undertaking AP03 assessments.

    This has included a lot of communication with the chair of the employer group and the external quality assurer (EQAP) for this standard, we want to ensure Apprentices have the best possible chance for success and know we can have a positive impact by making an adjustment to the skills assessment approach.

    This update is straightforward to implement and we have notified the employer group and EQAP that it will come into effect on EPA’s conducted from June 1st, 2021. The criteria this update relates to within the skills task is B6.

    Please note, IMI centres, Apprentices and their employers do not need to do anything differently, everything is accommodated by the IMI Assessor, during the skills assessment. If you have any questions, please contact the EPA Team at epa@theimi.org.uk.

  • IMI Continues EPA Services Inline with Government Guidance

    Inline with the Government Guidance, IMI will be continuing to provide EPA services for apprenticeship standards.

    Flexibilities for apprenticeship standards will be in place to at least 31st August 2021, as confirmed by IfATE.

    If you should need to cancel or rearrange any scheduled EPAs due to closures of centres or change in circumstances related to COVID-19, please contact epa@theimi.org.uk with as much notice as possible.

    Cancellation fees will not apply for special circumstances, as per End-Point Assessment Cancellation Policy.

    Please visit the Covid 19 Apprenticeship Programme Response

  • Apprenticeship Service Support - Videos

    Users can find videos on how to use different functions of the apprenticeship service in the “Using the apprenticeship service” playlist available on the ESFAGOVUK YouTube Channel.

    ESFA have recently made improvements to the following support videos:

    • Reserving apprenticeship funds
    • Adding an apprentice to an account

    There is also a new video demonstrating how to apply for an incentive payment for hiring a new apprentice.

    Alongside these ESFA have recordings from their webinars available on the “Apprenticeship service – webinar recordings” playlist and any future recordings will continue to be uploaded here.

    Videos created to support the delivery of apprenticeships are available on the “Apprenticeship Support Videos” playlist.

    You can also search for help in the apprenticeship service.

  • English and Maths Acceptable Qualifications Updated

    ESFA have updated the list of acceptable qualifications for English and Maths for apprenticeship standards at level 2 or above. Please click here for the latest list.

  • EPA Bookings for Face to Face Assessments - COVID-19

    As many businesses start to reopen, we are seeing a positive increase in EPA assessments at providers facilities and at workplaces. IMI are fully supporting and conducting face to face EPA assessments for apprentices.

    With government guidance we must ensure all persons involved in EPA assessments are staying safe and protected at all times. To book in your EPA face to face assessment, we do ask for a Risk Assessment to be provided upon booking. We will preliminary accept all booking dates and only confirm once we have recieved, reviewed and approved a risk assessment of the premises in which the EPA will be taking place.

  • EPA Assessment and Cancellations

    We would like to provide guidance and clarity on our EPA Cancellation Policy in relation to current and recent circumstances.

    IMI have continued to conduct and support EPA assessment delivery during COVID19. Unfortunately, in early stages of lockdown, face to face EPA assessments were cancelled due to government restrictions across the country. These cancellations were made under special circumstances therefore no cancellation fee applied.

    With new IfATE confirmation of flexibilities applied to EPA assessment delivery, up to at least January 2021, and the latest government guidance for businesses to reopen, all cancellations will be treated in line with our EPA Cancellation Policy. If cancellations are requested under special circumstances, IMI will review on case by case basis as stated in the policy.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact epa@theimi.org.uk.

  • Task Setup Instructions ST0033/AP03 - Flexibility Applied

    The External Quality Assurance Provider, RMISC, for ST0033/AP03 apprenticeship standard has confirmed EPAOs can released task set-up instructions for EPA skills test 21 days prior to assessment date, instead of 14 days, as stated in the assessment plan.

    This will allow more time for training providers to prepare for the assessment day, especially under current working circumstances.

  • Updates to EPA Contracts - Subcontractor Providers Only

    If you are a subcontractor provider you will need to request a new EPA contract from the IMI which has been updated to now include main provider details you are contracted with for the specific apprenticeship standard/s. You can request a new a contract via the EPA Contract Request Form. Full details will be included in the form.

  • eLogbook Redeem Codes

    If you are an IMI approved centre delivering apprenticeship standards through the IMI and are using eLogbook for on-programme learning, you will now receive redeem codes once registrations are made.

    The volume of redeem codes issued will be based on 1 per apprentice, 1 per mentor, 1 per centre co-ordinator and 1 per trainer/assessor. We will be working with centres during the implementation of this new process of issuing codes.

    Where centres have high volumes of unredeemed codes, we will work with you to manage and remove those not required.

    If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at elearning@theimi.org.uk 

  • ESFA 'Apprenticeships Service’ Webinar Series

    The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) is running a series of free apprenticeship service webinars for employers and training providers. These webinars are hosted by subject matter experts, who can help understand the service and any new developments.

    For more information, please see the ESFA webinar registration page, click here.

    View previous webinar and information videos on the ESFA YouTube channel

    For the latest apprenticeship service developments from ESFA, follow them on Twitter @ESFAdigital and subscribe to the ESFA Digital blog.

  • Off-the-job Training - Best Practice Examples

    The have DfE published off-the-job training guidance explaining to employers and training providers how to meet the 20% off-the-job training requirement for apprentices.

    Included in the guidance are simplified fact sheets explaining the true interpretation of what off-the-job training actually is.

    Click here to read the official guidance.

  • Claiming Gateway Certificates and EPA 'Record of Achievements' for Apprentices

    You can now claim certificates for your apprentices upon completion of each gateway during on-programme learning on an apprenticeship standard with the IMI. Records of achievement for EPA are also available to claim for successful apprentices completing their end point assessment with the IMI.

    Certificates for gateways may be used as evidence to demonstrate progression and development of an apprentice’s knowledge, skills and behaviours during the course of an apprenticeship standard.

    Gateway delivery is highly recommended within most apprenticeship standards and mandatory within others. By certificating at gateways, it can help verify the apprentice’s readiness to undertake EPA to an employer/provider.

    Where gateways are mandatory within apprenticeship standards, you must ensure the gateways are certificated prior to requesting an EPA.

    IMI offer ‘record of achievement’s’ for EPA only. This is to validate the apprentice has undertaken an EPA with the IMI and successful gained a pass or above in all elements of the end point assessment. The IMI do not issue the official apprenticeship standard certificate, however we do submit the claim on behalf of the apprentice under their consent.

    To claim a ‘record of achievement’ for EPA, you must have received an official Overall Grade and Results from IMI of a ‘Pass’ or above at EPA.

    For claiming gateway certificates and records of achievements for EPA, please follow Section 6.1 of the operating manual.

  • Booking an EPA

    To book an EPA with the IMI you must be an IMI approved centre with approval to offer apprenticeship standards. For more information on how to apply to offer apprenticeship standards through the IMI please, click here.

    We would like to remind you that if you have an apprentice(s) on programme, coming up for readiness to take their end point assessment, you are required to book a minimum of 35 days in advance of the first EPA date.

    If you would like to book an EPA for apprentices, please contact epa@theimi.org.uk.

  • EPA Accredited Assessor Workshop

    Be one step ahead in preparation for End Point Assessments and get your staff fully trained and certificated as EPA Accredited Assessors.

    Specific apprenticeship standards have clear guidelines regarding EPA Assessment staff, subject to meeting the requirements as set out in the assessment plan and meeting IMI EPAO criteria. IMI approved centres and Apprentice employers, can use trained and certificated staff as part of the EPA process, along with IMI Appointed Independent Assessors.

    Included within the IMI EPAO criteria, all EPA staff will be required to complete a conflicts of interest statement, per EPA event to ensure total independence of assessment.

    IMI are offering EPA Accredited Assessor workshops across all appropriate apprenticeship standard routes. Refer to Section 9 of the Operating manual to confirm if your required apprenticeship standard allows centre staff to be involved in EPA assessments.

    For more information and details on getting your staff fully certified to support IMI EPA events, please contact epa@theimi.org.uk.

  • Invigilation for EPA Online Knowledge Tests

    Just a little reminder that you can use your own approved centre personnel to invigilate EPA online knowledge tests.

    However, it is important to ensure that any invigilator has;

    • no involvement with the apprentice(s) on programme learning
    • a declaration of no conflicts of interest between themselves and the apprentice(s)
    • is non-technical
    • an IMI PIN with invigilation rights and is attached to the apprenticeship standard

    For more information on invigilation and online assessment requirements please refer to section 5.0 of the IMI Operating Manual.

    Any other queries please see Centres Hub or contact your EQA for advice.

  • Resit/Retake Grade Capping Clarification ST006

    Inline with IfATE & Ofqual guidance, all resit/retake grades for Apprenticeship Standard ST0068 (Heavy Vehicle) will have a capping grade of PASS applied, this will also be applied to any new assessment windows.

  • Dispensation Applied to ST0072 (Customer Service Practitioner)

    On the 4th January 2024 we were informed of a temporary dispensation in relation to apprentices made redundant from Safestyle UK and the approval for the use of Witness Statements at EPA in place of the Observation in order for them to complete their apprenticeship. For further detail, please refer to the IfATE website page for the Standard - https://www.instituteforapprenticeships.org/apprenticeship-standards/customer-service-practitioner-v1-1 

  • 19+ Changes to English and maths requirements and guidance - IMI Implementation

    On 11 February DfE announced it was changing the English and Maths requirements for adult apprentices so new and existing apprentices, aged 19 and over at the start of their apprenticeship training, are no longer required to hold or achieve English and maths qualifications to pass their apprenticeship. The announcement can be found here. In addition to this, further details have been published by DfE confirming what this means for new and existing apprentices: Changes to English and maths requirements.

    IfATE have also published a notice on its webpage that lists Assessment Plans, confirming that “the English and Maths exit requirements will be optional for apprentices who are aged 19+ at the start of their apprenticeship training. The policy change will be effective from 11 February 2025. This notice can be found here The apprenticeship funding rules have also been published which contains more detail.

    IfATE has confirmed that the effect of this notice is that the wording in the updated rules relating to the English and maths requirements will supersede the wording in the End-Point Assessment Plans of individual apprenticeships published prior to this change. We have also updated the Section 9.0 & 9.1 of the IMI Operating Manual to include this statement.

    To declare this exemption for apprentices that meet the criteria, please obtain and complete the declaration form from the relevant EPA Platform (SEPA or EPA Pro) and upload this against the apprentice's checklist at the point of gateway. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact epa@theimi.org.uk

  • SEPA Archiving – A Message to all EPA Centres

    The EPA Admin team are working on cleansing data in SEPA and over the next few weeks, we will be archiving and deactivating apprentices that have passed their EPA and are at a status of ‘Complete’. Part of this cleanse will also include deactivating learners that you have withdrawn on Web Portal 2 and that are no longer continuing. If you do need access to any apprentices records at any time, the team will be able to assist you.

    To be clear, this is an archiving process and all assessment documentation will be retained in line with requirements.

    To assist with this process, we are also asking EPA Centres to review any apprentices that have not yet passed or completed in SEPA and where applicable, withdraw them from Web Portal 2.

    If you have any questions about this process, please contact epa@theimi.org.uk.

Useful links

See Also



EPA Partner Centres

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Apprenticeship Standards - Cost Matrix

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IMI - Centres

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