BETA Phase: Please note this page and the content contained within are still in the BETA Phase as we transition away from the old IMI Awarding website. We therefore ask that you share any feedback or improvements you may have so we can look to address these promptly.
IMI Awarding - Qualifications
Discover IMI Qualification Updates, the Menu, Apprenticeship Standards and more

Qualification Updates
Learn about the recent updates made to IMI Qualifications and stay up to date
Qualification Menu
See all the associated documents for qualifications across England + NI, Scotland and Wales
Apprenticeship Standards
Discover the latest Apprenticeship Standard courses, available through the IMI
VTCT Skills First
Find information the core functional skills qualifications available in English and Mathematics

IMI Qualifications
Searching for a specific qualification?
Click on the link below to discover and search through our entire collection of qualifications