Apprenticeship Standards
Apply to offer apprenticeship standards through the IMI
Apply for Accident Repair Technician ST0352/AP01
Apply for Automotive Glazing Technician ST0031/AP01
Apply for Autocare Technician ST0499/AP01
Apply for Bus and Coach Engineering Technician ST0067/AP01
Apply for Customer Service Practitioner ST0072/AP02
Apply for Customer Service Specialist ST0071/AP01
Apply for Customer Service Specialist ST0071/V1.1
Apply for Heavy Vehicle Service and Maintenance Technician Standard ST0068/AP02
Apply for Land-based Service Engineer ST0242/AP02 (Agricultural)
Apply for Land-based Service Engineer ST0242/AP02 (Construction & Plant)
Apply for Land-based Service Engineering Technician ST0243/AP03 (Agricultural)
Apply for Land-based Service Engineering Technician ST0243/AP03 (Construction & Plant)
Apply for Lift Truck and Powered Access Engineering Technician ST0387/V1.1
Apply for Motorcycle Technician (Repair and Maintenance) ST0376/AP02
Apply for Motor Finance Specialist ST0474/AP01
Apply for Motor Vehicle Service and Maintenance Technician (Light Vehicle) ST0033/AP03
Apply for Motor Vehicle Service and Maintenance Technician (Light Vehicle) ST0033/AP04
Apply for Vehicle Damage Mechanical, Electrical and Trim (MET) Technician ST0405/AP01
Apply for Vehicle Damage Paint Technician ST0448/AP01
Apply for Vehicle Damage Panel Technician ST0403/AP01
Apply for Sales Executive ST0572/AP01
Apply for Retailer ST0327/AP01
Apply for Retailer ST0327/V1.2
Apply for Retail Team Leader ST0326/AP02

Apprenticeship Standards - Cost Matrix

EPA Updates

Light Vehicle L3 - AP04

Heavy Vehicle L3

Customer Service Specialist - V1.1

Automotive Glazing Technician

Vehicle Damage (MET) Technician


Retail Team Leader ST0326/V1.2

Motor Finance Specialist

Light Vehicle L3 - AP03

Autocare Technician L2

Customer Service L3

Vehicle Damage Paint Technician

Motorcycle Technician

Retailer ST0327/V1.2

Accident Repair Technician

Vehicle Damage Assessor

Bus & Coach L3

Customer Service L2

Vehicle Damage Panel Technician

Sales Executive

Retail Team Leader