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Start Date: Sun, 01/01/2012
End Date: Thu, 31/12/2026
Certificate End Date: Fri, 31/12/2027
Additional content has been added to unit AC1 to include refrigerant R1234yf. New online test questions have been added to the online exam AC1r to cover properties of refrigerant R1234yf, service methods and equipment requirements.
New EU F-gas legislation (517/2014) replaces the 2006 regulation and comes into force from January 2015.
F-Gas Regulation Guidance http://www.gluckmanconsulting.com/f-gas-information-sheets
Guidance for users, producers and traders http://www.gov.uk/government/collections/eu-f-gas-regulation-guidance-for-users-producers-and-traders
Important note: training and certification in the 2014 F-Gas Regulation are based largely on the existing requirements in the 2006 regulation. Existing qualifications remain valid.
This Defra-approved qualification offers a single unit solution that provides experienced automotive Mobile Air Conditioning (MAC) technicians with evidence that they meet the minimum F-gas requirement (EC842/2006 and annex EC307/2008).
All Mobile Air Conditioning (MAC) technicians working with cars and car derived vans, must have achieved as a minimum requirement, a refrigerant handling qualification which fulfils the European Union F-gas Regulation (EC842/2006 and Annex to Regulation EC307/2008).
Successful candidates will be issued with a certificate which shows they are compliant.
The assessment ensures rigour and quality of assessment by measuring the candidate’s underpinning knowledge, including F Gas regulations. Learners must demonstrate the learning outcomes by following and achieving two assessment components which are set by IMI:
For all enquiries relating to F Gas and ODS Regulations contact the Environment Agency: f-gassupport@environment-agency.gov.uk
National Customer Contact Centre tel no. 03708 506506
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