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Start Date: Fri, 01/04/2011
End Date: Thu, 22/09/2016
This qualification is available in England and Northern Ireland only.
This Level 4 qualification (based on IMI SSC National Occupational Standards) is for technicians already competent at level 3, who wish to develop and demonstrate their competence as a senior technician and workshop controller.
Note: This qualification does not meet the competence component of the IMI SSC Higher Apprenticeship in Vehicle Maintenance and Repair.The IMI qualification which meets the competence component requirement is:
Technicians, already competent at level 3, will develop their competence and knowledge and understanding of:
Technicians achieving this Level 4 qualification may progress into further management roles or onto further learning and/or training.
Learners achieving this qualification are required to be assessed and provide evidence of their occupational competence in the workplace, to pass IMI set online knowledge tests and written knowledge assessments.
Please contact an IMI approved centre.
View this qualification on the Register of Regulated Qualifications