
  • Level 3
  • Reference C00/4676/1
  • Total Qualification Time 815
  • Guided Learning Hours 669
  • Type VRQ, NVQ, VCQ

Who is is it suitable for?

This qualification is for:

Typically, school and college leavers who wish to develop a career in the automotive maintenance and repair industry or individuals who want the opportunity to develop occupational knowledge and skills to carry out practical tasks.


A learner who has achieved this Level 3 IVET (VRQ) qualification, may choose to broaden their education and training by progressing into higher level qualifications such as a Level 4 or University.

This learning programme qualification is based upon IMI Sector Skills Council's National Occupational Standards.


This qualification could provide a useful recognition of their professional competence, to aid their step from one job role to another, e.g. moving into supervisory roles. For others, it could prepare them for progression to further learning and training.


The assessment of this IVET (VRQ) is made up of 2 components:

  • IMI practical support material
  • IMI set Online Testing

The IMI is recognised to offer these qualifications by the Welsh Regulator, Qualifications Wales (QW). This approval means IMI and our qualifications are regulated by QW's comprehensive regulatory framework. Please click here to read more and here to search QW regulated qualifications.

Documentation for IMI Centres

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Start Date: Thu, 01/12/2022
End Date: Tue, 30/11/2027
Certificate End Date: Sun, 31/08/2031

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