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Start Date: Thu, 04/12/2014
End Date: Tue, 30/04/2019
Certificate End Date: Sun, 30/04/2023
This SVQ is for individuals who have significant experience in their job role, which may include a workshop supervisor, independent technician or a technical demonstrator in agricultural machinery (includes tractors, harvest, cultivation and crop protection machinery).
The purpose and aim of this SVQ is to provide individuals working in the land-based engineering sector with a qualification which demonstrates their competence to maintain the specialist vehicles and machines in their specialist area.
For some individuals, these qualifications could provide a useful recognition of their professional competence, to aid their step from one job role to another, e.g. moving into supervisory and/or management roles. For others, it could prepare them for progression to further learning and training.
This IMI SVQ is also a key component of Lantra SSC Land-based Engineering Level 3 Modern Apprenticeship framework. The Lantra Apprenticeship seeks to fill skills gaps identified by the land-based engineering sector, including technical knowledge, computer literacy, customer care and basic technical skills.
In order to achieve this SVQ learners are required to produce evidence of occupational competence; which is their ability to use all their skills and knowledge to complete tasks effectively. The qualification also uses some online tests to demonstrate the learner’s knowledge and understanding of the subject.
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