Alternative Fuel Vehicles – The Future of the Motor Industry


A detailed insight into the transformation of the Motor Industry.

Learning Outcomes

A solid understanding and knowledge of all key functions and future trends in the Motor Industry.

Course Details

  • CPD Credit Value 8
  • Course Format Physical
  • Course Duration 1 day
  • Provided By Autoconsult

What do I receive?

You will be able to: Describe the structure of the motor industry and how it works. Explain the role and interactions of all key players within the motor industry. Understand important future issues and trends affecting the motor industry including the role and future of electric, hydrogen, diesel and petrol powered vehicles.

CPD Credits

CPD Type Eligibility Credits
Professional Register 8
TechSafe N/A N/A
BS10125 N/A N/A

Who is this for?

This course is ideal for new recruits, graduates and younger members of staff, all levels of management, promotion candidates, those without any academic / automotive qualifications and anyone who would benefit from a better understanding of how the motor industry works and the major changes and challenges facing it.


£260 + VAT Member
£260 + VAT Non-Member

For information on dates, venues and booking a place on this course, please register your interest.

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We are running a series of topical webinars to help address the current climate.

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