3115 Results



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Driveline and Four Wheel Drive System Technology

Driveline includes the components of the power train of an automotive vehicle that are after the transmission, and generally consisting of the drive shaft and the universal joints.  This course will cover propshafts, driveshafts, rear-wheel drive bearings, front-wheel drive bearings, and fou


Manual Gearbox Technology

A transmission system gearbox is required because the power and torque of an engine changes at different speeds. The transmission also reverses the drive and provides a neutral position when required.


On-Board Diagnostics

On-Board Diagnostics or OBD, was the name given to the early emission control and engine-management systems introduced in cars. OBD systems have been developed and enhanced in line with US government requirements into the current OBD2 standard which applies to all cars sold in the US from 1996.


Electric Vehicles Introduction

This course will enable you to develop a general understanding of electric vehicles. It will provide you with an understanding of the different types as well as their history, costs and operation.


Electric Vehicles Safe Working, Tools and Hazard Management

This course will enable you to develop an understanding of the importance of health and safety in the electric vehicle and general work place. It will provide you with an understanding of hazard management and high voltages. Tools and equipment are covered too.
