3062 Results



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Autocare Technician (ST0499/AP01) - Practice Tests

Successful completion of these practice assessments does not guarantee a pass grade for the actual online assessments, they are merely just another self-assessment tool which we hope you will find useful.


Workshop Communication Skills

The way we communicate with other people is important for many reasons. Often disagreements and upsets are caused because communication is poor. This course is about the best ways to communicate in the workplace, positive and negative methods, verbal and written methods and much more.


Developing Good Working Relationships

Developing good working relationships is key to creating a positive work environment. This course is about getting on with your colleagues and your boss, understanding the needs of customers, and who is responsible for what.


Documentation Best Practice

This course is about documentation and the importance of keeping good records of the work we do and parts that are ordered. Learners will gain an understanding of job cards, invoicing, service schedules and warranties.


Light Vehicle MOT Annual Training AND Assessment 2024/25

Course Overview This eLearning course will enable you to complete the requirements of the annual training subjects as specified each year by DVSA. The course includes the annual training eLearning content AND the mandatory annual assessment.


Light Vehicle MOT Annual Training Only 2024/25

Course Overview This eLearning course will enable you to complete the requirements of the annual training subjects as specified each year by the DVSA. The course includes the annual training eLearning content ONLY.


Light Vehicle MOT Annual Assessment ONLY 2024/25

Course Overview This eLearning course will enable you to complete the requirements of the annual training subjects as specified each year by the DVSA. The course includes the mandatory annual assessment ONLY.


Motorcycle MOT Annual Training AND Assessment 2024/25

Course Overview This eLearning course will enable you to complete the requirements of the annual training subjects as specified each year by the DVSA. The course includes the annual training eLearning content AND the mandatory annual assessment.


Motorcycle MOT Annual Assessment ONLY 2024/25

Course Overview This eLearning course will enable you to complete the requirements of the annual training subjects as specified each year by the DVSA. The course includes the mandatory annual assessment ONLY.


Motorcycle MOT Annual Training ONLY 2024/25

Course Overview This eLearning course will enable you to complete the requirements of the annual training subjects as specified each year by the DVSA. The course includes the annual training eLearning content ONLY.
